There are bad smells coming out of the fridge...
And more particularly the vegetable drawer?
Some vegetables, such as cabbage or leeks, can spread bad odors in the vegetable drawer of your fridge.
Once the odors are there, all you have to do is wash your entire crisper.
Did you buy vegetables like lettuce, leeks or cabbage?
Fortunately, there is a very simple trick to prevent bad smells from spreading. The trick is to line the bottom of your bin with newspaper.
With this simple trick, the vegetable drawer will no longer smell bad! Watch:
1. Take a large sheet of newspaper.
2. Fold it in four.
3. Place it at the bottom of the vegetable drawer.
5. Store your vegetables in it as usual.
There you go, no more bad smell in your vegetable drawer :-)
Simple, practical and effective in eliminating foul odors!
Now you know how to remove bad odors from the refrigerator naturally...
And for free!
It will also prevent you from distorting the tastes of other foods that you store in your refrigerator.
And it's an economical grandma's trick to get rid of bad smells in the fridge.
Be aware that if the odors persist, you can use baking soda to remove them.
It's a great way to deodorize your fridge.
The absorbent power of the newspaper will capture the humidity of these vegetables and retain bad odors.
Very practical when you don't have an anti-odor storage box for vegetables, like this one.
Did you like this surprising use of newsprint?
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