Baking soda is a great aid when baking a cake.
Wondering why?
This is because it makes cakes lighter and more digestible.
A pastry chef gave me this trick!
Since I use it, my cakes are worthy of Top Chef!
Yes, baking soda is essential to have particularly soft cakes. .
It's super easy to use in a recipe. Here's how:
1. Put a teaspoon of baking soda for 200 to 250 g of flour.
2. Add 1/2 teaspoon of cider vinegar, lemon juice or yogurt.
3. Don't add salt. Bicarbonate is already naturally salty.
There you go, thanks to this little magic powder, your homemade cake is now digestible and super soft :-)
Easy, fast and efficient, right?
You will see that your cakes are incredibly light . The texture is much more airy.
If you are making a chocolate or jam roll, you will soon see the difference.
Your dough is much softer and lighter.
A real treat!
Do you know that in the United States the use of baking soda is very widespread?
Simply because it replaces baking powder!
- As with the flour, you can sift it so that it is well distributed in the cake batter.
- Like we said, it's a great alternative to yeast. With heat, it acts like leaven. But unlike yeast, it doesn't need heat to activate. It begins to act as soon as the ingredients are mixed. That's why it's important to cook the dough quickly after mixing the ingredients.
It takes a teaspoon to replace a sachet of yeast.
So in general, we put a teaspoon for 200 to 250 g of flour.
On the other hand, for 1 kg of flour, we do not exceed 3 teaspoons.
And to make cookies, we use 1/4 of a teaspoon.
Good question ! How useful is baking soda compared to yeast?
- First, it may happen that you have no more yeast when preparing a cake. You have to replace it with something and for that, this powder is ideal.
- Moreover, even if we find bicarbonate in the composition of the yeast, it is not only that. Yeast is also made up of phosphates , an acid element such as cream of tartar and a stabilizer such as wheat flour. We are already consuming far too much phosphate. So if we can avoid it, it's better.
- Without forgetting that for people who follow a gluten-free diet or who are allergic to it, it is interesting to use it as an alternative. Because most commercial yeasts contain starch (often wheat starch).
- Finally, baking soda really makes any cake easier to digest. Be careful, this is not a reason to eat more!
Your cakes or bread are lighter when baking soda is added.
It is well known, bicarbonate helps to digest more easily.
But above all, your pastries rise perfectly.
Because it releases bubbles of carbon dioxide (carbon dioxide), which makes your pastry puff up.
But be careful, you have to add an acid product to activate it . Otherwise it doesn't work.
So remember to put a little white vinegar, lemon juice, yogurt or a spoonful of honey.