Family Best Time >> Food

4 questions to ask yourself before you start eating

Be aware of what you eat before you eat it. These 4 questions will help you with that.

1. What am I going to eat?
If you are conscious about what you eat, it is not enough to answer with 'a cookie'. View the packaging and read the ingredients list.

Improvement point: Stop buying prepackaged food or buy prepackaged products with as few ingredients as possible.

2. Where does it come from?
Fruit from Spain has already come a long way before it hits the Dutch shelves. It is also good to ask yourself whether your food comes from the farmland or from a factory.

Improvement point: Buy more often from local farmers or regional markets.

3. Why am I going to eat?
Do you eat because you are hungry, or because you want to reward yourself? We eat too often out of habit, boredom or emotion. That doesn't have to be a bad thing, but it's something to think about.

Improvement point: Rate your hunger on a scale of 1 to 10. Would you rate it below 5? Then hunger is probably not the reason you are going to eat.

4. How do I feel after I wear it?
Food can make you feel good, but that is often temporary. Before you put something in your mouth, think about the long-term effect:how do you feel after you eat this?

Improvement point: Do you regularly regret after eating something? It can help to keep track of exactly what you eat and why for a while.

Read more
> 7 times why we eat too much
> Tips for eating mindfully
> 5 tips to satisfy your hunger