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Everything you always wanted to know about coffee

Attention coffee lovers:discover everything you always wanted to know about coffee. Coffee is one of the most popular drinks in the Netherlands. Coffee with all the trimmings, latte, mocha, cappuccino… There are a lot of coffee varieties. But how much do we actually know about coffee? Here you will find the best coffee facts.

Everything you always wanted to know about coffee

Coffee, a very popular drink in the Netherlands. On average, 2.4 cups of coffee are drunk per day. That equates to about 260 liters of coffee per person per year. You can drink coffee in different ways:coffee black, with milk, with milk and sugar or wrong (with more milk than coffee). In addition, there are now countless flavors of coffee available in the store. Just think of mocha, decaffeinated, Wiener melange, with a hint of cocoa and much more. Do you want to give your coffee that little bit extra kick? Then add a dash of coffee syrup. It is also available in a variety of flavors. We drink a lot of coffee every day. But what do you actually know about coffee? Below you will find everything you always wanted to know about coffee.

Criminal gangs in Kenya target coffee

A few years ago there was a real crime wave going on in Kenya:gangs preyed on coffee. Although there are tens of thousands of coffee plantations throughout Kenya, coffee is very precious in Kenya:a kilo is easily worth as much as a week's salary. Despite the many plantations, exports are only regulated through corruption. As a result, criminals see their chance and ensure that they get the coffee beans in a criminal way. Violence is not shunned here and there have already been deaths.

Rust on coffee plants:will coffee become more expensive?

In February 2013, Guatemala declared an agricultural emergency. This is due to so-called 'rust' (a certain fungus) on the coffee plant. As a result, the government has allocated 14 million US dollars to help farmers in the fight against this fungus. About 70% of the total plantation is infected with this fungus. Several plantations in the region have also been affected. There is a good chance that more will have to be paid for a cup of coffee in the near future. It is expected that coffee will eventually become more expensive.

Caffeine attracts bees

Why does coffee actually contain caffeine? Caffeine appears to have a strong effect on bees, which are responsible for pollination. Scientists suspect that bees get a kind of kick from the caffeine present. The caffeine also seems to help bees improve their long-term memory. As a result, the bees store the plant in their memory and visit the same plants more often. Science does not know exactly how it works, but the fact is that caffeine also has a similar neurological effect on humans.

Ethiopian coffee ceremony

The Dutch can work their way through their cup of coffee between their noses and lips. In Ethiopia this is out of the question. Drinking coffee plays an important role in family and social life. Just preparing the coffee can take hours. It all starts with washing the coffee beans and ends with pouring the coffee.

The coffee making ritual is reserved for women. Young girls are taught in this ceremony from an early age. The coffee ceremony is standard when greeting guests. The Ethiopian coffee is poured into a cup containing sugar, salt or butter. If you want to see how things work, you should search the internet for 'Bizarre foods' with Andrew Zimmern, where he is visiting Ethiopia.

Coffee addiction and overdose

Caffeine, like other drugs, is harmful when taken in large amounts. However, it takes 100 cups of coffee before there is actually a lethal amount. However, caffeine can cause problems. Especially if you are not used to it and suddenly drink large amounts. For example, mood swings, fever and palpitations can occur. Addiction is when you drink more than 6 cups of coffee a day.

Prohibition of coffee

Coffee was already quite popular in the 17th century, especially among men. The drink served as a social drink that was best enjoyed in a special café in the presence of intellectuals. Unfortunately, the women disagreed with this tradition, blaming coffee for their husbands' infertility. The English king issued a ban on coffee in 1675. However, the people were not happy with this and soon the whole ban was forgotten and people started drinking coffee again.

Coffee tastings

Just like with wine, there are also real coffee tastings to which an element of competition has even been added. For example, there are annual coffee tasting championships. Participants must identify the coffee based on the smell and taste.

The best coffee facts:barista

An ordinary cup turns into a true craftsmanship when a barista is at work. The barista is similar to a sommelier, only especially for coffee. His or her specialty is making espresso or any other type of coffee. There are also real championships for this.

A cup of art

With a little skill, anyone can turn a simple cup of coffee into a cup of art. All it takes is hot milk and espresso. The most beautiful works of art are made in the frothed milk. From leaves to cute bears and even real cartoon characters are used as images. There are plenty of descriptions on the internet to try it yourself at home (search under latte art).

Drinking coffee during pregnancy

There are no compelling reasons to forgo a cup of coffee during pregnancy. However, it is advisable not to drink more than three cups a day.

Reuse of coffee grounds

About 20% of the coffee beans determine the taste and aroma of the coffee. The rest is tasteless plant material. That means there is a lot left over after production. Because there are relatively more residues than coffee is actually made, scientists are looking for a way to turn the residue into a usable product. Currently, coffee grounds are already used to make biofuel.

Others are busy making an alcoholic drink from coffee grounds. They succeeded, but there is still work to be done on its taste and refinement. Before it appears on the market, a lot of work still needs to be done.

Do something useful yourself with leftover coffee grounds? Coffee grounds can be used for the following applications:

– mix coffee grounds with baby lotion and use as a mask against pimples (home remedy)
– coffee grounds thrown between garden plants keeps unwanted cats at bay
– put some dried coffee grounds in shoes and the sweat smell disappears

Toxic mold on coffee plants

The last one of the best coffee facts is less fun. Rust isn't the only fungus that grows on coffee plants. The Ochratoxin present can also cause problems. Ochratoxin is toxic and may only be present in very small amounts in European filter coffee. Please note:the amount of toxic mold is only checked in filter coffee. This does not apply to instant coffee! Unfortunately, after checking, it appears that the permitted amount is many times higher in at least 7% of all shipments.

Do you have any fun coffee facts you'd like to share with other readers? Let us know in a comment.