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These are 7 delicious ways to eat more vitamin C

These are 7 delicious ways to eat more vitamin C

Boosting your immune system never hurts, right? That's why we introduce you to 7 delicious ways to eat more vitamin C, so that you can help your resistance in a tasty way. Are you reading along?

1. Eat pomegranate seeds

Pomegranates are phenomenal fruit! They are full of fiber, protein, vitamin C, vitamin K, folate and potassium. Research has also shown that they are high in antioxidants and have anti-inflammatory properties. The seeds could also help lower your blood pressure, improve your memory and your sports performance. They are also the perfect balance between sweet and sour with a crunchy bite – what more could you want?! You can put them on your avocado toast, eat them in a salad or use them to make a vinaigrette.

Read also: '3 reasons to eat (or drink) more vitamin C'

2. Add goji berries to your yogurt

Goji berries are often sold dry and look like bright red raisins. They contain a lot of vitamin C and iron, so they can give your energy a big boost. They are also said to help reduce arthritis symptoms, protect your eyes and even lower your risk of heart disease, according to research. They taste great on their own, but they are ideal for adding to your granola, yogurt, smoothie bowls or other breakfast foods.

3. Eat a lot of mandarins

Mandarins are a well-known source of vitamin C for a reason. Not only do they contain a lot of vitamin C, they are also packed with phytonutrients. You can also eat them in many different ways. Separately, of course, but also in salads or processed in cakes and pastries.

4. Make breakfast smoothies

Making smoothies is a very simple way to process more vitamin C in your breakfast. Strawberries, oranges and mangoes are good sources of vitamin C and are delicious in smoothies. For example, a smoothie can already contain up to 70% of the recommended amount of vitamin C, without added sugar. So make sure your freezer has plenty of frozen fruits and vegetables; they are just as healthy as the fresh variety and can be stored much longer.

5. Cook with Brussels sprouts, broccoli and spinach

Not only the well-known citrus fruits and berries contain a lot of vitamin C, vegetables such as Brussels sprouts, broccoli and spinach also contain a lot of vitamin C. And these are of course delicious for making salads and oven dishes. Green leafy vegetables are ideal for boosting your immune system and you can use them in meal preps. For example, use Brussels sprouts or broccoli in stir-fries or add spinach to your pasta to give your meals a vitamin C boost.

6. Eat more watermelon

Watermelon is a fruit that helps to hydrate and can boost your collagen due to its amount of vitamin C and vitamin A. Vitamin C aids in the production of collagen, a protein that helps keep your skin soft and your hair strong. Vitamin A repairs skin cells and helps prevent dry, flaky skin. You can of course eat loose watermelon, but watermelon is also really delicious grilled or in salads. Or try making ice cream out of it!

7. Make DIY strawberry ice creams

Speaking of ice creams… A dessert can also be a very good source of vitamin C. A bowl of strawberries can be a treat in itself, but a frozen treat is always a party. You can use fresh strawberries to make creamy DIY ice creams that are not only tasty, but also packed with vitamin C. Sounds good, right?