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Culinary orgasm:6 signs that prove that you have just enjoyed while eating

All of us have already been confronted with this delicious moment when, faced with the flavor of a dish, our taste buds are in turmoil, our mind has received like a discharge of pure happiness. But be aware that some people have seen this taste sensation become so intense in their body that they literally overwhelmed with pleasure and found themselves experiencing the famous culinary orgasm; a nod to the adventurers of Koh-Lanta rediscovering during a "comfort" the exquisite flavor of chocolate.

An emotional discharge that can be characterized in different ways: goosebumps, tingling, shivers down the spine, heat wave, hollow in the stomach or even sexual excitement (vaginal secretions for women, erection for men)…

Culinary orgasm:“It took me a few seconds to understand what I was going through”

A moment experienced by Magali Croset-Calisto, sexologist and psychologist specializing in addictology and which she testified to in her book* Dolce Italia, the Italy of all pleasures. She writes:“It was very localized at first. Very focused. Tongue, palate, throat. Then the flavors permeated my mouth, my lips, my entire face. My tongue was in turmoil. My body too. Something was happening. Something that escaped me. It took me a few seconds to realize that I was experiencing an orgasm from the dish in question. Incredulity. Vertigo in the face of the idea (…). »

Magali Croset-Calisto who in an article published in October 2016 on the HuffPost website provided her analysis of the phenomenon, explaining in particular that the ecstasy experienced ultimately corresponds to the different phases of enjoyment.

  • The sexual arousal phase (desire, chills, warmth, even lubrication)
  • The plateau phase (the exquisite expectation induced by tensioning)
  • The orgasm phase (the instant of discharge, the submergibility of being)
  • The resolution phase (relaxation of muscle tension, well-being)

Culinary orgasm:the G-spot at the level of the taste buds

From a neurobiological point of view, Magali Croset-Calisto explains to us that this “physiological manifestation which triggers an enjoyment whose G-spot is located at the level of the taste buds” looks like a sexual orgasm in every way:release of dopamine, endorphins and oxytocin, the neurotransmitters of pleasure and well-being. Note that to live such a moment, it also requires principles of letting go and availability.

It remains to be seen now which dishes allow you to eroticize your oral sphere as much as possible; to Inrockuptibles a young woman had confided to having experienced similar bliss one afternoon at Ikea after having bitten into… a Swedish cinnamon bread. A good hearing!

*Magali Croset-Calisto, Dolce Italia, The Italy of All Pleasures, chapter “Culinary Orgasm”, Ed. Livres du monde, October 2016.