Family Best Time >> Food

How to transmit the taste to children?

30% of children cannot recognize a leek or a zucchini, 50% an artichoke and 90% a beet… Incredible! "Learning to recognize tastes, to cook, to eat well, is as important as learning to read or write," explains the two-starred chef Jean Sulpice, who has decided to support the Uncle Ben's teams to raise awareness among families to the importance of culinary transmission.

Sponsor of the "Ben's Beginners" program, the Savoyard chef has created easy and original recipes based on rice. "Accessible, easy to cook, friendly, rice gives children a full place in the preparation of the meal!" .

Jean Sulpice also chairs the big Facebook competition for families with a child aged 5 to 12. Each family will have to take a photo or a short video of the rice-based recipe made with the family and post it on Uncle Ben's France Facebook. The winner and 14 of his friends accompanied by one of their parents will be able to enjoy a day dedicated to culinary transmission led by the chef, with workshops to discover tastes and smells, tasting... The icing on the cake:the family of the winner will receive a Mobalpa kitchen as a gift (worth €10,000). On your marks, get set, get cooking!