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The study that reveals which supermarket really is the cheapest?

"Everything is cheaper at..." Amid this influx of publicity, we don't know who to believe. All major retailers claim to be "the cheapest". The rankings of supermarkets concern only the products of major brands. Knowing where the cheapest Charal frozen foods and Kellogg's cereals are is great, but what we want is fresh produce! We can't stop praising their nutritional merits so we want to consume them. Simply Market, Géant or Auchan, which supermarket sells its fresh fish cheaper than the others?

Fruits and vegetables at Simply Market

Surpassing Leclerc and Géant, it is Simply Market to our surprise the winner. It offers the cheapest fresh produce in its fruit and vegetable departments. So if you want to consume "green" you can finally go around the corner, without breaking the bank!

Meats at Géant Casino

At the butcher's level, Carrefour has definitely come out of the competition with a significant rise in the price of its meats. However, there is a general drop in the price level for a good number of brands. Géant Casino stands out from its competitors with a move from fourth to first position in the magazine Linéaires ranking. Géant, is now in pole position ahead of E. Leclerc as a specialist in charcuterie à la coupe:Hats off!

Fish at Auchan

For several years now, it has become difficult to dethrone Auchan and its fishmongers. Indeed, they are "cheaper for 40% of the basket". So, if you decide to take to the open sea, head to Auchan and on the cheap!

Cheeses, breads, pastries and pastries at Leclerc

Leclerc really is the cheapest in the cheese, bakery and pastry "market area". A wise choice for the brand because you never leave a supermarket without going through the "gourmet" box. Basic principle!

Morgane Longuepee