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Why women need coffee

Getting up in the morning to start the day is not easy for everyone. Fortunately, there is a quick and delicious remedy:coffee. Whether you prefer a fresh pot of black coffee, a latte, a Senseo or a Nespresso, most of us can hardly imagine a day without coffee. But is drinking coffee good for you? Good news:Several studies indicate that this favorite drink is better than you thought. We list them here.

1. You could live longer
According to an early 2018 study, two favorite beverages—coffee and wine—can extend your life. In a study of more than 1,600 people over the age of 90, those who lived the longest had the habit of drinking coffee and wine. In another study, research suggested that drinking coffee could reduce your risk of dying by 16 percent.

2. Lower risk of type 2 diabetes
According to an 11-year study, drinking coffee is correlated with a lower risk of type 2 diabetes. This benefit is especially true for decaffeinated coffee. Compared to women who drank 0 cups of coffee daily, women who consumed 6 or more cups a day had a 22% lower risk
of type 2 diabetes.

3. It is good for your liver Both regular and decaffeinated coffee appear to have a protective effect on the liver. Research shows that increasing coffee intake by at least two cups lowers the risk of liver cirrhosis or chronic liver damage that could lead to liver failure.

4. Lower risk of depression
Many people see their coffee habit as a dangerous addiction; but it can even be good for your mental health. A study has shown a link between increased coffee consumption and decreased frequency of depression in women.

5. You are less likely to get Parkinson's disease
Caffeine is not only linked to a lower chance of developing Parkinson's disease, but it may also help people with the condition better control their movements.

6. Your DNA will be stronger
Dark roasted coffee reduces damage in DNA strands that occur naturally, but can lead to cancer or tumors if not repaired by your cells.

7. Your chance of getting cancer is reduced
Wouldn't it be great if our beloved booze helped protect us from cancer? There is, in fact, reason to believe this to be true. Coffee is brewed from beans that contain antioxidants, which are thought to have a protective effect against cancer. Researchers have conducted more than 1,000 studies looking at this question, with mixed results. Previous studies seemed to show that coffee could increase the risk of some types of cancer. Since then, however, larger and better-designed studies have weakened those conclusions. And many of the newer studies link drinking coffee to a reduced risk of some cancers, including prostate cancer, liver cancer, uterine cancer and some cancers of the mouth and throat.

8. You can reduce the risk of getting Alzheimer's disease The caffeine in two cups of coffee may provide significant protection against developing Alzheimer's. In fact, researchers found that women 65 and older who drank two or three cups of coffee daily were less likely to develop dementia.

9. You don't have that much chance of having a stroke
For women, drinking at least one cup of coffee per day is associated with a reduced risk of stroke, a disease from which women in the Netherlands die more often than men.

10. It increases productivity and morale at work Your need for a coffee break at work is actually backed up by science. A study showed that coffee improved workplace productivity and made people work better together.

While coffee has many good benefits, you can of course have too much of a good thing. According to the Nutrition Center, 4 cups of coffee a day without sugar, fit in a healthy diet with the Wheel of Five. Restrictions apply to espresso and coffee made from cups. Maybe you can start with buying coffee beans, then you can be sure that you have good, fresh coffee, and it tastes better and smells great.