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All about the onion

The onion is a herbaceous species, perennial by its unique bulb, grown as an annual or biennial (flowering the second year). It is a 60 to 100 cm high plant, whose green leaves are cylindrical, hollow (which distinguishes this species from leeks and garlic, other cultivated species also belonging to the genus Allium). The erect flower stem is also hollow. It has a bulge towards its base.

All about the onion

The bulb is relatively large, spherical in shape, sometimes more or less flattened.

The onion is a vegetable plant known today only in cultivated form. Its first cultivated forms are thought to have originated in Iran from where they would have quickly spread to the rest of Asia and Europe to become one of the staple vegetables of the rural classes of Antiquity. The onion was particularly appreciated by the Egyptians, Greeks, Gauls and Romans. We hold from the Gauls the belief that by examining it we can predict the weather:for example, if its skin is thick, we will have a harsh winter.

The onion is both a vegetable and a condiment. It can be eaten raw or cooked, or candied in vinegar. Its (young) aromatic leaves are sometimes used.
The many varieties of onions are generally classified, at least in France, according to the color of the bulb:

  • White onions:
  1. white of Paris,
  2. very early white of the Queen,
  • Spring onion.
  • Yellow onions:
  • Sweet onions from the Cévennes,
  1. straw yellow
  2. golden yellow from Mulhouse.

Red onions:

  1. Brussels Red,
  2. big dish red from Italy.

Appellations d’origine contrôlée:in France, the sweet onion from the Cévennes obtained the AOC label in 2003. The rosé onion from Roscoff is awaiting certification.

Potato and Onion Cupcake

Ingredients for 4 people:325g Onion, 600g potato (charlotte) 2 whole eggs + 2 yolks, 10 cl of fresh cream, salt and pepper.

Peel, finely chop the onions, blanch them in salted boiling water, cool and drain; then melt in butter, season. peel and finely chop the potatoes (mandoline or food processor)

Mix whole eggs and yolks, add cream and mix, season.

Arrange the onion and potato layer by layer in 10 springform pans, pouring a little of the cream/egg mixture between each layer.

Bake at 120°C for about 45 minutes

Please note:

» Less tears with a new onion

Scientists have developed an onion that does not make you cry. The idea:by removing the gene responsible for watery eyes from the bulb of the onion, the New Zealand and Japanese researchers succeeded in developing this new onion. Despite the strong expectation of the industry and individuals for this product, it will take another 10 to 15 years for it to be marketed. In the meantime, pass your onion under a trickle of water to avoid crying. This may make you wait a bit.