Do you like baking? Me too I love it!
The problem is that baking is not that easy...
Especially since it takes a lot of time to make good cakes.
So how about simplifying your life with tips?
Just for you, we have selected 21 baking hacks that will make your life easier .
All grandma's tricks for making delicious cakes will no longer hold any secrets for you! Watch:
To unmold your shortbread cookies easily without them sticking to the cookie cutter, dip them first in the flour. The flour helps the cookie cutter glide over the dough without snagging. No more sticky dough or rough cutting! Add more or less flour as needed. Very practical for making these little Christmas shortbread cookies, for example.
Here's a good tip for impatient people who want to make a banana cake when their bananas are not ripe enough. To ripen them quickly, put them on a baking sheet and roast them in the oven at 150°C for about 20 minutes. Voila, your bananas are perfectly ripe!
You start a recipe:lack of pot, you need eggs at room temperature. And you only have it in the fridge. Do not panic ! Place them in a glass of lukewarm water and leave them for a few minutes. They are ready to use.
Recipes sometimes also require butter at room temperature. And of course, we never have one. But there's a quick and easy way to soften butter:Place the butter in a Ziploc bag, seal it, and crush it with a rolling pin. Then, remove the softened butter from the bag with a rubber spatula. Check out the trick here.
To prepare cookies or puff pastry, it is essential to distribute the butter evenly in the dough. The easiest way is to grate it. For this, you need a butter out of the fridge, and grate it on a cheese grater. Then add the pieces of butter to your recipe.
It often happens that I start a cake recipe and realize at the end that I don't have enough icing sugar to make the icing... But did you know that it is possible to make icing sugar if you have any white sugar left? To do this, simply put 1 tablespoon of cornstarch per 200 g of white sugar in your mixer, then run the mixer until the sugar has a powder consistency.
To avoid splashing when whipping eggs, for example, put a guard on your bowl. To do this, drill a hole in the center of a paper plate and pass the beaters through this hole. Use the plate as a lid placed on the salad bowl to protect from splashes. It's especially handy if you don't have a blender with a closed bowl.
Use a piece of dental floss to make perfect slices. As with a floss for cutting butter, dental floss is super practical for soft pastries such as sponge cakes, cheesecakes or pasta that is not yet baked. Much easier than with a knife that tends to stick.
Nothing worse than a small piece of eggshell that falls into a preparation. And hello the galley to go fish it out! My grandmother had a very simple trick for removing a small piece of shell. Use the rest of the shell to catch up with the pieces of shells. They are irresistibly drawn to the other end of the shell. Check out the trick here.
The next time you prepare whipped cream, use a bowl and a cold beater straight from the fridge. Why ? Because it will give the whipped cream a fluffier and creamier consistency.
If your brown sugar has become all hard, here is a trick to soften it quickly. To do this, simply place the brown or brown sugar in a bowl and cover it with a damp paper towel. Then turn on the microwave for 20 seconds. This trick rehydrates the sugar and therefore softens it.
To discover: Hard Brown Sugar:2 Tips To Get It Back In No Time.
Need brown sugar for a recipe? But you don't have any more? No worries ! If you have white sugar and molasses handy, you can use these 2 ingredients to make your brown sugar! Stir small amounts of molasses into the white sugar and stir until desired color is achieved.
To obtain very smooth cakes and cheesecakes, tap the pan filled with batter on the table several times. This will bring the air bubbles to the surface without them getting stuck in the dough.
Use a lightly oiled ice cream scoop to scoop the cupcake batter and easily drop it into the cupcake liners. Not only does this allow you to put the same amount of dough in each mold, but it also saves time! Check out the trick here.
If you are used to using an oil spray for cooking your pastries, you know that it can get everywhere. My tip:open the dishwasher door and put the dish to be oiled on it. That way, when you spray on the oil, the spills will go straight into the dishwasher and be cleaned up the next time you wash.
Yes, yes, you read that right! Add 1 tablespoon of mayo to your cake batter. Since mayo is made from eggs and oil, it will add a bit of fluffiness to your baking. And do not panic, it does not give any taste to the cake. You'll see, you'll tell me about it!
You don't need an arsenal of special tools to make a great pie! Just use a fork to make pretty patterns around the edge of the pie. You can also use a spoon or even tongs. Even using everyday kitchen utensils, you can make a beautiful dough that will look even more presentable on the table.
Use marshmallows to make a slightly original icing. Just place one on each shortbread or cookie 6 minutes before the end of baking. With the heat from the oven, they will melt and spread over the cakes like fluffy icing. Perfect for parties.
For perfectly cut slices of pie or cake, use a hot knife. Pass it under hot water for a few seconds, wipe it and cut your pastries. The hot knife will slide more easily and make clean cuts. And this stuff also works for cutting butter.
If you have milk and lemon juice on hand, you can make buttermilk easily and save yourself a trip to the supermarket! To do this, simply put 1 tablespoon of lemon juice or white vinegar in 250 ml of milk. You can then use it in all your pastries like the one you buy on the market.
It may sound strange, but one of the best places to store cake is in the closed microwave! It protects the cake and keeps it fresh and moist, without taking up space on the counter.