A food processor to make pizza dough?
A waffle maker to make potato pancakes?
You don't believe me?
Well, all of these uses of kitchen appliances are totally true !
Plus, they'll save you time and money!
Here are the 17 surprising uses for your kitchen appliances:
Want a good homemade ice cream? Follow this quick recipe to make delicious homemade ice cream with just 1 ingredient. The tutorial is here.
No more spending a lot of time kneading dough! The food processor is the fastest way to make real pizza dough. The tutorial is here.
A waffle maker is for making waffles! But not only... here's how to make delicious potato pancakes with a waffle iron. The tutorial is here.
With a simple food processor, you can easily make homemade butter...and save loads of money! The super easy tutorial is here.
It's totally strange, but true. Here are 11 amazing things you can cook in a COFFEE MAKER. The tutorial is here.
Use the filter of your French press to make a frothy and creamy whipped cream, perfect for coating desserts or for preparing a delicious Viennese coffee. The tutorial is here.
The French press filter can help you do a lot of things in the kitchen. Discover the 5 uses here.
The advantage? This recipe is ready in only 30 seconds! Check out the easy tutorial here.
Pesto, fresh herbs, tomato sauce, fruit &yoghurts for your smoothies... All these foods can be stored perfectly in the freezer in simple ice cube trays. The tutorial is here.
To discover: 27 Things You Can Freeze To Save Time and Money!
On hot days, these giant ice cubes are perfect for keeping your drinks cold longer. The tutorial is here.
Check out the easy way here.
Click here to discover the easy tutorial in photos.
The tutorial is here.
Instead of chopping or mincing the garlic and ginger, use a zester like this one.
It's a much easier and faster way to incorporate garlic and ginger into your sauces, dressings and other recipes. The tutorial is here.
To get more juice from your lemons, microwave them for about 20 seconds. The tutorial is here.
This super use of your egg slicer also works with mushrooms and all soft fruits and vegetables.
Do you need to cut aromatic herbs?
The easy way is to use your pizza wheel by going back and forth on the herbs to be cut.
It's much faster than a knife and, moreover, the roller will not crush the delicate leaves of certain herbs such as basil.
And if you like to braid your pies, pizza cutters are perfect for cutting the dough into strips.