My neighbors and I often get together to order bulk products .
Recently we bought organic oranges directly from the producer.
It's much cheaper and the fruits are delicious!
Yes, but now, the oranges arrive in a 20 kg box.
And when so many oranges happen to you, the question is:what am I going to do with all this?
Looking for things to do with oranges?
The first thing to do is wash the ones you are going to use right away.
To do this, fill your sink with lukewarm water and add a splash of white vinegar.
Let the oranges soak for a few minutes then rinse. Only wash the ones you will need in the next few days.
The rest of the oranges will store easily in the carton and in a cool place.
Here are 24 amazing uses for oranges and their peel to never throw an orange in the trash again . Watch:
Orange is a healthy, low-calorie snack . In addition, it gives a real boost.
An orange is only between 45 and 90 calories depending on its size.
And in juice, it's excellent!
Can you freeze an orange? The answer is yes.
If you're not using an entire orange for a recipe, freeze the rest in wedges or as a zest.
Simply place the washed half orange in the freezer. What to do with frozen oranges?
You can just grate it.
And yes, once the orange is frozen, you can grate the zest more easily.
Then put it on your salads, ice creams, soups, cereals, smoothies, noodles, rice, sushi, fish...
The list is endless. You will see, your dishes will have a little different taste.
It also works with lemon and lime.
Makean orange salt scrub with a little zest.
For this, put 200 g of Epsom salt, 200 g of sea salt, 3 tablespoons of orange zest and 150 ml of olive (or coconut) oil.
Mix everything together and stir well, then put everything in a glass jar to store.
You can even add a few drops of food coloring to give the product a nice color.
Rub your entire body with this wonderful-smelling, revitalizing blend, then rinse.
Your body will appreciate all the benefits of oranges.
Your skin will be rid of all impurities, very soft and in addition, it will smell good.
What to do with orange peels?
Traditionally, orange peel is used in herbal tea or infusion to relieve stomach cramps or to stimulate the appetite.
Steep it in hot water for a few minutes.
Grate the zest from several oranges and distribute it in an ice cube tray. Cover with water and freeze.
Then just add a few ice cubes to a carafe of water to have a drink with natural flavors.
And it's a great idea to use up your old oranges.
I love orange marmalade . Plus, it's pretty easy to make and makes great gifts in a gift basket.
For this you need 2 kg of oranges, 2 lemons, 1 kg of sugar and a large pot and a vegetable grinder.
Wash the oranges well to remove the wax on the skin. Then, fill a pot with water and bring it to a simmer.
Immerse the oranges completely in it and boil for 25 minutes to soften them, then drain.
Take a vegetable mill and put it on top of a large salad bowl.
Cut the oranges in 2 and press them above the mill. Then, cut them into slices while they are still warm and remove the seeds.
Pass the fruit through the mill:you will get a fairly thick yellow purée.
Pour it into the pot and heat gently, stirring constantly.
Add the sugar little by little. Remove the white skins and pips that rise to the surface.
Once the texture is good, jar your jam and leave to cool.
There are many variations:adding spices (nutmeg, cinnamon, cloves, vanilla), whiskey or rum.
You can also vary the citrus fruits by putting a few clementines or grapefruits in place of some of the oranges.
To obtain homemade powdered orange zest , you must first grate the zest and then put it on a baking sheet.
Put it in the oven for 4 hours at 170°C. Take him out when he starts to curl up.
Then pass everything through a small herb grinder to reduce it to a powder.
Store the powder in a glass jar in the fridge. It will keep for at least 1 year.
You can sprinkle all your cakes or hot dishes with orange powder to give them a little bold taste.
The white vinegar is super effective, but it doesn't smell very good. To avoid this smell, it is enough to perfume it.
To do this, macerate orange peels in it for several days. Find out how here.
Now I can clean everything with orange-scented vinegar. It's totally natural and it doesn't spoil anything!
Do you have an orange peel handy?
If you have a garbage disposal, you may want to eliminate some bad smells.
For this, keep pickled orange peels in a glass jar on the counter.
And throw some when you activate it. By grinding them, the propeller will release a sweet natural fragrance.
We know lemon curd, but we don't always think about making orange curd.
If you have a few eggs, you can make some easily.
It's really excellent on a cake, a sorbet or to make a pie. Discover the recipe here.
Did you know that you can clean most surfaces with an orange?
Cut an orange in half and lightly dip it in salt.
Scrub the inside of your sink with the salty orange, then rinse thoroughly.
You can even recycle this orange with tip #9, so there's no mess!
The scent of orange is pleasant. And coupled with the cloves, it really is a great blend.
Use a toothpick to poke holes in an orange. Fill the holes with whole cloves.
Then, cook it over low heat for an hour or until it hardens.
Once cooled, decorate it and hang a ribbon to hang it.
Ideal to perfume your room, the bathroom or even the toilet.
Mix equal parts dried orange zest (tip 7) in water (or milk) until you get a paste.
Then, apply it on your face or body . Check out the trick here.
Oranges prevent the brown sugar from hardening.
Place a 5 cm wide piece of orange peel inside the sealed sugar packet.
No more sugar that becomes an unbreakable block:the skin creates moisture that softens the sugar.
To light a campfire or a barbecue easily, place dried orange peels with kindling.
Place larger pieces of wood on top.
Flavor your oils with orange . Ideal for salads or marinades.
Put zest, Provencal herbs and cranberries in a glass bottle and fill it with extra virgin olive oil.
Close the bottle and place it in a dark place. Remember to gently shake the bottle every day.
After several weeks, the orange peels and herbs will give the oil a wonderful flavor.
Remove the herbs, decorate the bottle and give it away!
Prepare orange-flavored sugar. To do this, put orange peels in your sugar jar.
Let it soak up the orange flavor for a few weeks and then use it.
It also works with other citrus fruits like lemon or clementine.
Grate the zest from the oranges or prepare slices of the peel, making sure to remove the skin.
Then, let them dry, about three or four days for the peels, less time for the zest.
You can then pulverize them with a spice grinder or a small blender.
Store your powder in a glass jar. This recipe works with all citrus fruits.
You can then flavor your cakes with it.
It's an original way to eat orange peels!
Keep cats out of your garden or your indoor plants.
Since they hate the smell of oranges, you can put dry peel in your flower pots. It also works with lemon.
Contrary to popular belief, citrus fruits can compost.
Just make sure you don't put too much in the compost bin, they would acidify the mixture too much.
To avoid bad odors in the bin, place an orange peel at the bottom of the bin before putting the bag in.
Not only will it perfume it, but it will also deter insects from hovering around.
I don't know about you, but I love candied oranges !
I make a big portion every year, because it keeps very well.
Plus, you can even coat them in chocolate. If you are looking for a recipe that is rather easy to make, here is one.
Against sore throat, in particular, infuse orange peel in honey with a little water.
Let the flavors diffuse for a few weeks. You can speed up the process by heating slowly without boiling.
Remove the peels and store them in a clean jar. Drink whenever you feel the need.
Why not try making your own orange oil extract?
Be careful, it can be a bit tricky! Orange oil is flammable and highly corrosive.
First, dry and grind the orange peels, then place them in a glass jar and cover them with alcohol (like vodka).
Heat the mixture to obtain oil. Shake vigorously for a few minutes and repeat this every other day.
After two weeks, filter the mixture with a coffee filter, keeping the alcohol and placing it in a shallow dish (gratin dish).
Cover with a drop cloth or rag and allow the alcohol to evaporate. Only the orange oil will remain.
You can use it to clean everything. 5 ml mixed with one liter of water is enough for an effective product.
Always test before applying to your furniture.