Store your vegetables well, it's not that easy!
This is normal, because they all have their little conservation secrets.
Some love the fridge and others can't stand it...
As a result, if you make a mistake, the vegetables spoil quickly or lose their flavor. What a waste!
Fortunately, my grandmother gave me her simple tricks to keep vegetables in the best conditions.
Here are the 5 mistakes to avoid to properly store your vegetables . Watch:
Did you know that tomatoes don't keep well in the fridge?
Yep, that's a mistake a lot of people make!
Unfortunately, tomatoes can't stand the cold .
If you put them in the fridge, they lose their good taste and become floury.
It is therefore best to leave them out of the fridge at room temperature.
And to avoid attracting midges, put them in a small container.
Did you know that onions and potatoes can't be stored in the fridge?
But what you might not know is that onions and potatoes should not be stored together.
Why ? Because these 2 vegetables produce a gas which accelerates their rotting.
To store the onions, put them in a paper bag in a dark place, at a temperature between 18 and 20°. Find out how here.
And to keep potatoes well for weeks, wrap them in newspaper. Check out the trick here.
Tomatoes aren't the only vegetables that don't like the fridge!
Cucumbers also spoil more quickly if kept cold.
Indeed, in contact with the cold, they become wrinkled at high speed.
And like tomatoes, cucumbers kept in the fridge lose their good taste.
If you want to keep cucumbers crunchy, you shouldn't put them in the fridge, but leave them in the open air.
If it's already started, simply protect the start with cling film.
If you buy packaged vegetables, remember to remove the cellophane or plastic that surrounds them...
Indeed, these packaging prevents their good conservation .
But the best is obviously to avoid buying packaged vegetables!
Not only can we not choose the quantity, but in addition they are often more expensive than those purchased in bulk...
Not to mention the fact that the packaging on vegetables is a mountain of extra waste for nothing...
Last argument against vegetables sold in packaging:we often end up with damaged vegetables!
Apart from the vegetables just mentioned, vegetables are best stored in the vegetable drawer.
The vast majority keep very well for 3 to 4 days .
But be aware that beyond this, vegetables quickly lose their vitamin and mineral content.
It is therefore important to consume your vegetables quickly to take advantage of all their health benefits.
To avoid keeping your vegetables too long, the trick is to put the less fragile ones at the bottom of the bin and those that risk being damaged above.