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Bicarbonate:A Pinch of Magic in the Kitchen.

Bicarbonate:A Pinch of Magic in the Kitchen.

Bicarbonate is a magical white powder!

Its daily uses are numerous and incredible...

This powder whitens the teeth, cleans the shower, eliminates bad smells, maintains the laundry...

Practical and inexpensive, this mixture of sodium chloride and calcium carbonate never ceases to amaze us!

And of course, even in the kitchen, baking soda works wonders.

Here are 7 uses of baking soda to add that little bit of magic to your everyday cooking . Watch:

Bicarbonate:A Pinch of Magic in the Kitchen.

  • To keep your vegetables green after cooking
  • To reduce cooking time
  • For a smooth purée
  • To make chickpeas more digestible
  • To remove pesticides
  • To make a sparkling lemonade
  • To make your desserts lighter

To keep your vegetables green after cooking

Bicarbonate:A Pinch of Magic in the Kitchen.

Green beans, snow peas, leeks, peas, Swiss chard, spinach, green cabbage and Brussels sprouts...

When we cook green vegetables, we like that they keep this beautiful color that evokes spring, right?

To do this, simply put 1 teaspoon of baking soda in very boiling cooking water and "blanch" them for 3 minutes.

Then, steam them or sauté them according to your desires.

Thanks to the bicarbonate, they will keep a beautiful green color. Check out the trick here.

To reduce the cooking time

Bicarbonate:A Pinch of Magic in the Kitchen.

Pulses are delicious and economical!

The problem is that they take a long time to cook...

Fortunately, there is a great grandmother's trick to reduce the cooking time of legumes.

And it works for all pulses:lentils, red or white beans, split peas, chickpeas...

Again, just add a teaspoon of baking soda per liter of water in your pan. Check out the trick here.

To have a smooth puree

Bicarbonate:A Pinch of Magic in the Kitchen.

Do you know what my grandmother's secret was for obtaining a homogeneous and creamy mashed potato?

Just before adding butter to your mashed potatoes, put a magic pinch of baking soda.

All you have to do is stir with a wooden spoon.

You'll see, it changes everything and it's a delight! Check out the trick here.

To make chickpeas more digestible

Bicarbonate:A Pinch of Magic in the Kitchen.

Some vegetables are difficult to digest! Too bad, because they are also delicious and economical...

This is the case, for example, with chickpeas and white beans.

So, how to avoid flatulence all night long?

The trick is to use your fine white powder!

To do this, add 1 teaspoon of baking soda to a bowl and let the dried chickpeas soak overnight. Check out the trick here.

To eliminate pesticides

Bicarbonate:A Pinch of Magic in the Kitchen.

Given the price of organic, it is not always easy to buy all your vegetables and fruits from an organic trader.

So, cleaning food thoroughly, especially those whose skin you want to eat, is absolutely necessary.

This is the case, for example, with summer vegetables:tomatoes, peppers, zucchini or eggplant.

But also fruit:apricots, nectarines, peaches, cherries, apples, pears, etc.

Luckily, the magic of baking soda is here to save the day!

To remove as much pesticide residue as possible, just take a large bowl filled with cold water and add a good dose of baking soda.

Count about one teaspoon per liter of water.

Let your whole fruits or vegetables rest there for a quarter of an hour... and then cook them with a light mind! Check out the trick here.

To make a sparkling lemonade

Bicarbonate:A Pinch of Magic in the Kitchen.

With the beautiful days, we really want to accompany our awakenings and the snacks of the children with a refreshing drink, right?

Lemonade is super easy to make and inexpensive.

And with a pinch of baking soda, it will take on a much more fun twist!

For this, take 2 large organic lemons from which you remove 2/3 of the zest and squeeze their juice well.

Pour everything into a jug or bottle filled with very cold water.

Add 2 tablespoons of cane sugar and, if you have it, several fresh mint leaves.

Finally, add 2 teaspoons of baking soda.

And There you go ! All you have to do is put the lemonade in the fridge for 3 hours and stir occasionally with a wooden spoon.

Magical and thirst-quenching, this sparkling wine, isn't it?

To make your desserts lighter

Bicarbonate:A Pinch of Magic in the Kitchen.

On the pastry side, the magic trick of bicarbonate is to lighten your recipes in the blink of an eye without depriving yourself of their gluttony.

For all your cakes with flour (wheat or any other cereal), simply add baking soda to the flour when preparing.

It is best to sift it to mix it well with the flour.

It takes one and a half teaspoons for 500 g of flour.

Bicarbonate allows you to aerate and inflate your desserts, whether they are pancakes, very soft pancakes, chocolate or yogurt cake, fruit cake...

...but also all the little cakes for a snack such as cookies, muffins or madeleines. Check out the trick here.