Today I show you how to store a halved tomato.
Eating tomatoes is clearly one of the little pleasures of summer.
But often, we have leftover tomatoes that we don't know what to do with...
It would be a shame to have to throw away half of it, wouldn't it?
What a waste!
Fortunately, my grandmother gave me her anti-waste trick to keep half a tomato longer.
Since I started using his trick, I have never thrown away a tomato again!
The easy trick is to put it cut side down on a plate. Watch:
1. Take half of the tomato.
2. Place the cut side of the tomato on a plate.
3. Put another plate upside down on top of the tomato.
4. Put the plate in the fridge.
There you go, your opened tomato is now well preserved for several days :-)
Easy, fast and efficient, right?
Now you know how to store a cut tomato. It's simple and practical.
You can keep it like this for 2 days.
Before eating it, remember to take it out of the fridge 30 minutes in advance.
The goal is to bring its temperature back to room temperature.
Its taste will only be better!
- Some tips to lay your tomato half on a sheet of paper towel.
But it's not very eco-friendly to use a paper towel and your tomato is in direct contact with the paper... So avoid it!
- Similarly, wrapping your tomato half in cling film is also not recommended.
Again, it's not very ecological, because cling film is still plastic...
The best is still to use homemade reusable cling film.
And second, your tomato half may develop a soft, slightly gooey texture.
Not very appetizing!
And the diced tomatoes then, how to preserve them you ask me?
Storing tomatoes cut into small pieces or slices is just as easy.
Tomatoes cut into small pieces can also be stored in the fridge.
Just put them in an airtight container that seals well.
You can keep them like this for at least 2 to 3 days easily.
Beyond that, it is quite possible to freeze your tomatoes to make a coulis later.
Simply put them in a freezer bag before putting them in the freezer.
In general, we recommend not keeping tomatoes in the fridge.
Indeed, this tends to make them mealy.
It is best to keep them at room temperature, as explained here.
But a cut tomato is a bacteria magnet!
It will spoil much faster if you leave it out in the kitchen.
Especially since in summer the temperature in kitchens tends to rise, like the rest of the house.
Keeping your cut tomato in the fridge is therefore a good alternative to keeping it longer.
And so that it does not become a nest of bacteria!