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17 Cheap and Healthy Foods You Need to Know.

17 Cheap and Healthy Foods You Need to Know.

Despite what is believed, a food does not need to be expensive to be healthy.

The proof with our selection of 17 inexpensive foods that your body will love.

All prices displayed are taken from the site

Regarding the method of preservation, we have chosen cans that allow you to keep a maximum of nutrients for an affordable price all year round.

17 Cheap and Healthy Foods You Need to Know.

1. Spinach

Spinach is full of energy. They offer a wide variety of vitamins, minerals, fibers, proteins and a package of antioxidants.

It's no coincidence that Popeye loves them!

Price:€0.74 for a can of chopped spinach.

2. Green beans

Green beans are good for health. Why ? Because they contain a good dose of vitamin A which reduces the effects of skin aging.

Price:€1.05 per can of extra fine green beans.

3. Carrots

The carrot is a food rich in vitamins A and E, which are beneficial to health, regardless of how it is eaten.

Price:€0.65 per box of extra fine young carrots.

4. Corn

Corn contains 2 healthy antioxidants:lutein and zeaxanthin. Result:corn is good for eyesight and to fight against the risk of cardiovascular disease.

Price:€0.51 per box of sweet corn kernels.

5. Tomatoes

Tomato gives you beautiful skin.

It is very rich in minerals of all kinds:potassium, manganese, copper, magnesium, phosphorus and in vitamins:C, B3, B6, A, E, K.

Price:€1.05 for a can of whole peeled tomatoes.

6. Bananas

Bananas are rich in potassium, a vital mineral.

Thanks to its fiber and antioxidant content, bananas help prevent the risk of cardiovascular disease, diabetes and obesity. Not bad, right?

Price:€1.00 for 500 g of bananas.

7. Eggs

You need protein, but the meat is too expensive? Eggs are the cheapest source of protein you can find.

Whether it's for morning, lunch or dinner, eggs in all their forms (scrambled, poached, boiled and fried) are always a good idea.

Price:€1.49 for 6 free-range eggs.

8. Canned tuna

In terms of protein concentration, tuna is certainly the best.

Although it is better not to eat it every day, because of the mercury it may contain, if you alternate with the other protein sources on this list, there is nothing to worry about.

Price:€1.65 for a can of natural tuna.

9. Chicken

White meat, such as chicken, is your best ally in terms of value for money. It's healthier than red meat and it costs less.

Price:€4.79 for 2 chicken legs.

10. Butter

Butter is not the enemy of your health. If you're looking for your enemy, look instead to margarines, which hide behind "healthy" slogans.

A little tip by the way:if the packaging tries desperately to convince you that it's healthy, it's probably because it's not.

Your grandmother, when buttering your sandwiches for your snack, already told you that butter is an excellent source of vitamin A. She was right.

Vitamin A is needed for a number of vital functions, from maintaining good eyesight to maintaining your endocrine system (hormones).

Butter is also very rich in minerals.

Price:€1.69 for 250 g of unsalted gourmet butter.

11. Cheese

Cheese could save you a trip to the dentist. It contains a large dose of calcium which is the most important mineral for strong teeth.

If your finances allow it, prefer raw milk cheese.

Price:€1.35 for Camembert de Normandie with pasteurized milk.

12. Nuts

Nuts contain plenty of protein. They are good for the heart and may increase your longevity.

The advantage is that to enjoy these benefits, you do not need to eat a lot.

If you have a walnut tree in your garden, it's time to go nut harvesting!

Price:€4.15 for 200 g of walnut kernels.

13. The lawyer

Avocado contains 39% of the recommended daily fiber intake. Not bad, right?

And that's not all. Avocado is also world renowned for its ability to prevent inflammation. (Source)

Price:€1.49 per piece.

14. Rice

It is not for nothing that rice is the main food in many countries.

White rice, like brown or semi-brown rice, is good for your health. Try to always keep some in your closet.

Price:€2.05 per kg.

15. Flageolets

Despite their bad reputation because of the bloating they cause, flageolet beans are excellent for your health.

They are a source of carbohydrates, but especially of proteins, very affordable. You can easily add them to soups in winter and salads in summer.

Price:€0.73 for 265 g.

16. Oat flakes

Oats which are a source of carbohydrates are certainly the cheapest breakfast for the whole family.

It also has the big advantage of stalling well, because it stays in the stomach for a long time.

Price:€1.75 for 500g.

17. Potatoes

Potatoes have many qualities. They are rich in carbohydrates and are digested slowly in the body.

Result:they reduce cravings. All this for a price beating any competition, winter or summer.

Price:€2.99 for 2.5 kg.


Instead of snacking on candy, the next time you watch a movie, opt for homemade natural popcorn.

Popcorn contains a surprising amount of fiber and antioxidants.