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Cheap and healthy food

“But healthy food is expensive,” we hear regularly. Let's get rid of that prejudice. 8 tips to eat healthy and still stay within your budget.

1. Buy local and seasonal products Strawberries are more expensive in winter and not as tasty as in summer. This applies to many other fruits and vegetables. Make smart use of this and mainly buy seasonal products.

2. Stock up big
When you see the 2+1 free offer, do you immediately think 'I don't need that much'? Error! Many products can be frozen and used later. For example, you can puree vegetables to make freezing easier.

3. Leave pre-cut products
If you have to stick to a budget, it is best to choose the cheapest variant. Even if that means that you still have to clean and cut yourself.

4. Grow your own vegetables and herbs
Start your own vegetable garden. You can also easily grow small products on a balcony.

5. Drink more water
Try to avoid soda. It is healthier and cheaper to drink water or tea.

6. Make a plan
Planning what to eat next week can save you a lot of money. Immediately take the time to go through advertising brochures. Be sure to save money on your groceries.

7. Eat less meat
Meat is expensive and we eat more of it than we need. Schedule a few meat-free days. The money you save can be spent on healthy products.

8. Prepare multiple portions at once
While you're making dinner, you can make a little extra. You immediately have a healthy lunch for the next day and it does not cost much extra.

Read also…
> 3 reasons to eat at the table
> A healthier dinner
> Eat healthier through small changes in your kitchen
