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clean eating

Four simple guidelines for eating clean.

1:Don't eat processed foods
This is what clean eating is all about. Our bodies are made to eat products in their natural state. Processed products often contain all kinds of unhealthy additives. Step 1 is therefore to remove prepackaged products from your diet.

2:Eat enough healthy fats
There are still people who believe that fat is unhealthy. That's a misunderstanding. Your body needs fat to function, but the right fats, namely unsaturated fat. It is in avocados, among other things. nuts, seeds, kernels, fish and coconut fat.

3:Scan the ingredients list
By looking at the ingredients list, you can quickly assess whether a product is clean. Clean products often contain only a few ingredients. Processed products have many more ingredients on the list, often sugar, salt or e-numbers.

4:Eat at home
The easiest way to eat unprocessed products is to eat at home. You know exactly what is in your dishes. Moreover, you also save money if you already make a lunch salad at home.

And further…
– Try different cooking techniques such as grilling and steaming.
– Fill most of your plate with vegetables.
– Drink enough water.
– Also take the packaging of, for example, your yogurt , sauces, dressing and cereals. Sometimes these seem healthy, but they still contain many additives.