Family Best Time >> Food

4 bad places to eat

It is not always possible to eat at the table. But did you know that when you don't eat at the table you eat too many calories faster? The following four places are therefore best avoided while eating.

1. In the car
When you are hungry in the car, you are quickly tempted to buy something at the gas station. The snacks you get there are usually unhealthy. Because you pay attention to the road, you are less likely to notice when you have eaten enough.

2. Standing in the kitchen
Go, the cupboard opens. A cookie, a handful of chips and a rice cake. Everything is within reach in the kitchen. No wonder you keep eating. Use a bowl or plate and sit down to eat.

3. At your desk
Because the lunch break is regularly missed, you put something in your mouth in between. This presents the same problem as eating in the car:you are focused, in this case on your work and therefore do not pay attention to how much you actually eat and whether you are really hungry. The trick:try to leave your desk for 15 minutes to eat something and if you put snacks in your desk drawer, make sure they are healthy.

4. In bed
When you are spoiled with breakfast in bed, you should of course enjoy it! But let's be honest, your bed isn't the best place to eat.

What do these places have in common?
They make sure you eat your food mindlessly. As a result, you eat too much quickly. You can prevent this by eating consciously. Also read our tips for conscious eating.