Family Best Time >> Food

Are your eating habits average?

How does the Netherlands eat? Jumbo busied himself with this question and some funny facts emerged from the investigation. Do you recognize yourself in it?

AVG still popular
Potatoes, meat and vegetables are still a popular meal in the Netherlands. We also like to eat pasta and rice. Young people like Dutch pot less, they put pasta first.

This is an average Dutch weekly menu…
Three to four days Dutch pot is on the table. One or two days of pasta, one day of rice and on average we eat fries once every two weeks.

We eat vegetables almost every day Most people eat vegetables five to six days a week. 41 percent of the Dutch eat vegetables every day.

We don't know what we're eating tonight
Half of the people decide today what is on the table tonight. We often choose from a number of dishes that we make more often.

Fries are most often given a fixed day
Of all meals, fries are most often allocated a fixed day. On which day we eat fries, differs per household.

We regularly try a new recipe
Slightly more than half of people try out a new recipe every month. We get new recipes from supermarket magazines, cookbooks and websites.

Not everyone knows quinoa
We can hardly imagine it with our regular superfood section in Santé, but two-thirds of the Dutch do not know what quinoa is.