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5 Eating Mistakes That Make Your Cravings Worse

5 Eating Mistakes That Make Your Cravings Worse

Are you trying to lose weight? Then you have probably suffered from those annoying cravings ... it is of course a great shame to let your efforts to eat healthy be ruined by unhealthy cravings. These eating mistakes also make your cravings worse, so you better avoid these…

1. Eating boring meals

If you impose a diet on yourself and therefore often eat the same, you can quickly get bored of your food. And if you don't enjoy your food, not only will you feel limited in what you can eat, but you'll also be more likely to develop cravings. So make sure to add tasty ingredients to your meals to make sure you really enjoy everything you eat. In other words, find the right balance instead of cutting out your favorite foods from your diet.

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2. Ignoring your stress

Stress demands a lot from both your mental and physical health. And it is therefore not surprising that stress makes you want to make less effort to continue to eat healthy. After all, it's easier to make unhealthy choices when you already have enough other things on your mind. But by not ignoring your stress and not being too hard on yourself, you make it easier to eat healthier and snack less. As a result, you experience fewer cravings. You don't necessarily have to solve the problem that causes stress, as long as you don't punish yourself for it and try to pay attention to staying in negative emotions.

3. Not eating enough protein

Or, in other words, eating too many carbohydrates. Protein is an important nutrient because it makes you feel full faster, especially compared to carbohydrates and fat. This gives you the fuel your body needs between meals. So do you want to lose some weight? Then don't cut the proteins from your diet. These ensure that you are full faster and therefore have less need to snack between meals, since you get fewer cravings when you are full.

4. Skipping meals

If you don't eat for too long or don't get all the nutrients you need (a combination of carbohydrates, proteins and fats), you get hungry faster. Hungry people get cravings more quickly for food that gives them quick energy, such as sugary foods. That's why you reach for an easy, less healthy snack faster when you're hungry. So make sure you always have some easy ingredients at home for a quick, healthy meal or snack. Or, if you regularly skip a meal – whether consciously or unconsciously – set a timer to remind yourself to eat regularly.

5. Using food as a solution

Getting a craving can also be a signal that you are experiencing a certain emotion, such as tension, stress, an overwhelmed feeling, irritation, fatigue, boredom, loneliness or procrastination. It is therefore easy to fall back on emotional eating. Therefore, make a list of things that have nothing to do with food that you can do when you experience these emotions. This prevents you from giving in unnecessarily to your cravings as a solution for your emotional troubles.