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Magnesium deficiency? Eat these products

Magnesium is important for more than 300 functions of your body. It is, among other things, an important substance to keep your energy level up. With these products you ensure that you get enough magnesium.

Read also:how much magnesium do you need and how do you recognize a deficiency?

Shopping list:ingredients rich in magnesium
Do you recognize the symptoms of a magnesium deficiency? Then make sure you get enough nutrition with magnesium.

32mg magnesium per banana
Bananas don't just contain magnesium. They also contain potassium, another mineral that boosts your energy.

Kidney beans
70g magnesium per cup
Kidney beans are often used in vegetarian dishes. It is a good ingredient to get more magnesium. In addition, kidney beans are a source of protein and fiber.

Black beans
120mg magnesium per cup

Brown rice
84mg magnesium per cup
Combine your beans with brown rice for a magnesium boost.

72mg magnesium per cup Lentils are a forgotten ingredient for many people. Vegetarians sometimes eat it as a meat substitute, but even if you do eat meat, lentils are super healthy.

61mg magnesium per cup Among other things, magnesium is important to maintain your energy level. An oatmeal breakfast is rich in magnesium and ensures a good and healthy start to the day.

118mg magnesium per half cup
The most magnesium-rich ingredient on your shopping list:quinoa. Haven't caught up with the hype yet? Replacing your rice with quinoa every now and then is a good idea.

What is a cup?
A cup is a US size. Its content is 240ml. How many grams a cup weighs depends on the ingredient.

Source:Dr. Oz | Image:Shutterstock