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Eating healthy and saving

Healthy food doesn't always have to be expensive. With these tips you can do healthy shopping and be aware of your money.

Fiber-rich food is important in a healthy lifestyle. You can easily add some fiber to your breakfast and lunch, especially. For example, eat whole-wheat sandwiches with lean toppings, or yogurt with muesli and fruit. Opt for skimmed or semi-skimmed dairy, which is healthier and cheaper.

Live by season
Buy vegetables and fruit seasonally, it is tastier and cheaper. In addition, pay close attention to offers in the supermarket and adjust your menu accordingly.

Bring food
Make sure to bring your own lunch on weekdays, such as sandwiches and two pieces of fruit. This way you are less likely to be tempted to buy something tasty at the station or in the canteen.

Less meat
Eating less meat is 'green', healthy and cheaper. A piece of meat can quickly become the most expensive part of your dinner. Legumes are a good meat substitute.

Your own ready meal
Sometimes you don't feel like cooking. How handy is it if you have some ready-made meals in the freezer? Double cook occasionally and freeze a portion. This way you ensure that you always have tasty and healthy food at home and you avoid the temptation to buy an expensive microwave meal.

Eat fish from the freezer every now and then. It is cheaper than fresh and is just as healthy. A pack of spinach is always nice to have in the freezer.

Shopping for groceries
Think in advance about what groceries you need and make a list. Think about what you want to eat in the coming days, so you can do your shopping consciously.

What are your tips for doing healthy and cheap groceries?