Family Best Time >> Food

What to do with cliques?

More and more food is wasted worldwide. With these tips you waste as little food as possible.

Globally, at least 1.2 billion tons of food is wasted, but that could be as much as 2 billion tons. Some are thrown away because vegetables, for example, do not look attractive enough to sell. About 30 to 40 percent of the food that does reach the supermarket is thrown away by consumers.

That could be better
An alarming amount therefore ends up in the bin. Governments, development agencies and organizations such as the UN will have to work together to reduce waste among farmers, food producers, supermarkets and consumers. (

You can make a small start yourself by not wasting leftover food. We give some tips.
– If you don't like freezing or storing food, make sure you plan how much you have to cook. You can of course also deliberately cook extra to freeze.
– Save leftover meat to use as a spread the next day or in a salad.
– Salads offer a solution for many leftovers:meat, vegetables, pasta. It's all possible with your lunch salad.
– Freeze as many leftovers as possible and dip into leftovers one day a week.
– Use leftover vegetables to make vegetable soup.
– Do you have several cliques that are just too little for one person? Toss them together in a wok.
– Turn leftovers into a savory pie.
– In The Kliekjeskookboek you will find 101 and recipes based on leftovers. You can buy the book for €13.49 on

Do you have any handy tips for leftover food? Share them with us?