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What do I do with these vegetables?


A sweet crumble. Stew 700 g pumpkin (or pumpkin) cut and peeled with 2 tbsp. at s. sugar and cinnamon. add 4 cut apples and continue cooking for 15 minutes. In a salad bowl, knead 120 g of flour, 100 g of sugar and 75 g of butter, spread this sandy dough over the apple/pumpkin preparation placed in a gratin dish, and bake for 40 min at 200°.

Sweet potato

Spicy fries. peel and cut 2 sweet potatoes into fries. in a tupperware mix 2 tbsp. at s. of oil with turmeric, curry, cinnamon and cumin. for more crispiness you can add an egg white. we throw the fries in and shake for an impeccable coating. we spread on the oven plate and, presto, 30 min at 220°. it is eaten with chicken or as an aperitif with a Greek yogurt sauce.


A potato gratin. in salted water, cook 4 unpeeled plantains, neither green nor overripe, for 20 min. prepare a béchamel with 50 g of butter, 50 g of flour, 45 cl of milk and, if desired, curry. Then, cut the cooked and peeled bananas into slices, coat them in the béchamel sauce and pour everything into a gratin dish. add grated cheese and bake for 10 minutes to brown. great with a barbecue!

Brussels sprouts

From farfalle to green. while the pasta is cooking, prepare 400 g of cabbage:remove the damaged leaves, cut the base, rinse and cook for 15 minutes in boiling water. in a frying pan, sauté garlic and bacon, pour a brick of cream, 10 cl of white wine. let reduce. cut the cooked cabbage into 4, simmer them in the sauce. salt, pepper, cover the pasta with this sauce, add parmesan shavings and toasted pine nuts.


A curry mash. We throw a cube of chicken stock in 40 cl of water, bring it to the boil and, on another fire, we melt an onion in oil. peel and cut 2 parsnips into small cubes, add to the onion with curry. stir for 1 min, cover with broth, and cook for 25 min over medium heat. we mix with a brick of liquid cream, and we serve hot, with scallops or ham, depending on the nature of the dinner (with family or to receive friends).