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The Unstoppable Tip For Choosing The Right Asparagus.

The Unstoppable Tip For Choosing The Right Asparagus.

Asparagus is the vegetable par excellence that announces spring. Unfortunately, they are sometimes very expensive.

When asparagus is on sale, how can you be sure to choose it well?

Fortunately, there is a trick to choosing the right asparagus. Just look at their feet.

The Unstoppable Tip For Choosing The Right Asparagus.

How to

1. Take a good look at the asparagus stems contained in the bundle.

2. Check that they are not dried out.

3. Also check that they are not split.


And There you go ! With this trick, you are sure to have chosen your asparagus well :-)

Asparagus is fragile and can be kept for a very short time, 3 or 4 days maximum. You can put them at the bottom of the fridge.