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31 Things You Can Freeze To Save Time And Money!

31 Things You Can Freeze To Save Time And Money!

I regularly go shopping with farmers' groups (GAEC) who sell their production.

It's healthy and rather economical if you buy in bulk.

The only problem with these large portions is that you can't eat it all at once.

I recently bought 5 kg of cheese. When I arrived at the checkout, the lady behind me asked me what I was going to do with all this.

I replied that I was going to freeze it. She didn't know you could freeze lots of things.

Here are 31 things you can freeze to save time and money . Watch:

31 Things You Can Freeze To Save Time And Money!


31 Things You Can Freeze To Save Time And Money!

Frozen dairy products must be thawed in the refrigerator and not at room temperature so as not to promote microbial multiplication. Count about 8 to 10 hours of defrosting and consume quickly.

1. Milk

Pasteurized or sterilized milk can be frozen without problem for 6 months in its container. But be careful, as liquids expand, do not fill the container to the brim. Milk takes on a yellowish color when frozen, but returns to normal when thawed. Wait until the milk is completely thawed and shake it before drinking. If you don't shake it, the first half will be cream and the second half will be whey.

2. Cheese

Grated cheese freezes better than a large piece. If you freeze and thaw a large piece of cheese, it will crumble when you try to slice it. It's just as good, but not really presentable.

3. Eggs

Crack the eggs before freezing them. You can split them individually and place them in an ice cube tray, or freeze them loose in a glass jar.

To discover: 10 Incredible Uses of Eggshells.

4. Butter or margarine

They freeze and thaw perfectly, without changing consistency. If you find a good deal on butter, don't hesitate!

5. Crème fraîche and buttermilk

Dairy products that are used only occasionally find their place in the freezer without worry. You can buy them at a reduced price when they are close to the expiry date, and presto, in the freezer! As long as they are frozen before the deadline, there will be no problems. Just consume them soon after defrosting.

6. Yogurt

If you find tubs of yogurt in bulk or nearing the expiration date, buy them and freeze them. If you make homemade yogurt, it's the same thing:freeze them. And why not put a stick in the yogurt to make a delicious frozen yogurt?


31 Things You Can Freeze To Save Time And Money!

7. Bananas

You can freeze bananas very well. Only concern:they will blacken and become a little pasty. But it doesn't really matter if it's to make a cake, a compote, a smoothie or flambéed bananas. My advice is to freeze them already peeled and sliced. They can also be frozen in their skins, but extracting the banana after it has thawed is a little gross. It's worth a little effort and removing the skins before freezing.

To discover: 10 Uses of Banana Peel You Didn't Know About.

8. Grapes

Remember to wash the grapes before freezing them. Frozen grapes are a fun little summer treat for young and old alike. It's like a good ice cream without a cone. Know that it is better to eat them frozen, because when defrosting, the grapes become a little pasty. You can also put them in a smoothie. When grapes are on sale, buy them in bulk and freeze what you don't eat right away.

9. Melon and watermelon

I cut the melon or watermelon into cubes and freeze on a tray for a few hours. Then I put them in freezer bags. This makes it easier to make portions for smoothies or fruit salads.

To discover: How to choose the right melon? 4 Essential Tips!

10. Lemons and grapefruit

Cut and freeze lemons, limes and grapefruits to use in smoothies. You can even leave the skin on lemons and limes. Also feel free to freeze the juice of oranges or lemons, for example, in ice cube trays.

11. Berries

Shell and wash the berries before freezing them. Ideal for pies, smoothies, sauces, jams and more. When they thaw, they are a little soft, especially raspberries or strawberries.

12. Compotes

If you decide not to can your applesauce, you can freeze it! The taste and texture will not change. And it works for compote of apples, peaches, apricots, pears...


31 Things You Can Freeze To Save Time And Money!

13. Tomatoes

Yes, technically they are fruits, but we tend to eat them like vegetables. Wash and remove the core when they are very ripe before freezing them. Once thawed, the tomatoes will be less crunchy, but perfect for soup or for tomato coulis.

14. Zucchini

Sliced ​​or grated zucchini freeze very well. As they thaw, they will release water, so leave them on a colander.

15. Onions

Peel and cut the onions before freezing them. You will always have some on hand... and end the session of tears just for a little piece of onion. Freeze the chopped onion on a tray, then put them in freezer bags. This method prevents the strips from sticking together:you can take just the desired amount as soon as you need it.

16. Green vegetables

I usually freeze spinach, chard and other leafy green vegetables to put in my green smoothies. No need to thaw them, throw them directly into the blender. If you have green vegetables that will rot in the fridge, freezing them is a great way to avoid wastage.

17. Dried beans

I cook the dried beans, then freeze them in portions. I prefer that to canned. It works for green beans or dried beans. Cooked dried beans are also cheaper, tastier and healthier than canned ones which have no taste.

18. Corn on the cob

Do not shell fresh corn on the cob before freezing. Put them straight into a freezer bag with their wrapper and all. When you're ready to eat it, simply thaw.

19. Puree

I prepare my mash and freeze it for later in small portions in small boxes. It works with potato, pumpkin or carrot for example. Once the mash is frozen, take it out of its box and store in a freezer bag. Do not hesitate to freeze soup in small doses. If one night you don't know what to eat, just defrost the right number of servings of soup.

To discover: Grandmother's Secret to Making Delicious Mashed Potatoes.


31 Things You Can Freeze To Save Time And Money!

20. Meat

I buy meat in bulk from my butcher or directly from the GAEC in my area to freeze it. It's super economical compared to buying meat from a supermarket every week.

21. Garlic

Garlic can be frozen whole or in cloves. No problem with defrosting, you can use it as if it were fresh.

To discover: No More Need to Buy Garlic! Here's How To Grow An Infinite Stock Of It At Home.

22. Broth

If you're cooking poultry, don't waste the juice! Freeze it and it will serve as broth for your future soups.

23. Aromatic herbs

Herbs are sometimes expensive, and they rot too quickly before they can be used. Instead, consider freezing them in a plain ice cube tray or with olive oil. Check out the trick here.

24. Pasta

For a birthday, I had to cook a huge dinner with pasta salads. To make it easier for me, the pasta was cooked ahead, drained well, then frozen in freezer bags. Just make sure to push out as much air as possible.


31 Things You Can Freeze To Save Time And Money!

25. Waffles, pancakes and French toast

In my family, we love homemade pancakes, especially for breakfast. But I don't have time to make it every morning, so I make a good amount of pancake batter before I freeze it. Ditto for waffles and French toast. Just put them in a freezer bag and squeeze as much air out as possible!

26. Pie dough

I make my pie crust in bulk and freeze it. For this, I put it in an individual ball wrapped in plastic film, then several balls in a freezer bag. When I need to, I defrost a ball of dough. No more dirty cooking for a simple pie.

27. Cookie dough

At home, cookies don't last long here! So to provide it regularly to the whole little family, I prepare cookie dough in large quantities, I put it in individual balls and I freeze it. It becomes child's play to have a batch as soon as you feel like it.

28. Bread

Baguettes and sandwich bread freeze well. This avoids unnecessary trips just for a baguette...especially if you live in the countryside. Saving time and money guaranteed!

29. Bread and pizza dough

If you are new to bread making, first find an easy dough recipe that can be frozen. Simply freeze it after the first rise after forming the dough into baguettes or rolls. Pizza dough can be frozen in a ball and rolled out after defrosting.

To discover: My Easy, Fast and Cheap Pizza Dough Recipe!

30. Sandwiches

No time to prepare the sandwiches for your lunch break, well prepare them in advance and freeze them, because sandwich bread freezes very well. It's up to you now:sandwich with ham, cheese, tuna mayonnaise and why not peanut butter!

31. Leftovers

Do you like to cook? So, prepare blanquettes, beef bourguignons or other chickens with lemon. Then, freeze in individual portions to always have good little dishes on hand to defrost. It's a real time saver, and especially more hassle for the evening menus! You can also prepare Baby's menus.

31 Things You Can Freeze To Save Time And Money!

Your turn...

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