Family Best Time >> Food

Cooking on the holiday

You really don't have to carry the contents of your kitchen cupboard with you to cook on holiday. You can make a lot of goodies with local ingredients. Nevertheless, a number of things are useful to take with you.

1. Recipes
Perhaps you prefer to cook something simple, but if you want to unpack it once, it is useful to bring a recipe with you. An Italian dish made with ingredients actually bought in Italy will taste even better than at home.

2. A number of trays
Handy to take your homemade food with you or to store leftovers.

3. Kitchenware you can't afford to miss
In an apartment or house, the kitchen drawers are often not very well filled. Which kitchen utensils you take with you is very personal. Ask yourself what you will miss most:a corkscrew, tongs (for turning meat on the barbecue) or a cheese slicer?

4. Aluminum foil
Handy for covering food.

Read also
> Waste less food for the holidays
> On holiday on a budget
> One long holiday or several short holidays?

Do you have any tips for cooking yourself on holiday?