Family Best Time >> Food

8 tips to save time in the kitchen

During the holidays, it's a bit of a mad rush in the kitchen. So, in order not to explode in pressure cooker mode and cook (almost) zen, we apply these 8 tips:

1/ We plan (for real). Yes, it makes sense, but when you're late, you often make the mistake of thinking that sitting down for two minutes to think things through is a waste of time. False ! So we take a deep breath, we sit down with a pencil and a piece of paper, we calmly make our shopping list, we don't hesitate to anticipate meals (even if it means freezing them) and to organize (and put away!) our kitchen so that everything is simple and practical! Phew.

2/ We read the recipes well. History of not skipping steps, realizing it at the end and trying afterwards to save everything. Often in vain (experience recently lived with a liquid nougat which did not survive the many rescue attempts. Rest in peace).

3/ We involve those around us. "Say, Junior, how about showing me your strength by kneading this dough while mom does the fish and dad the starter?" » Family, friends, nice neighbor called to the rescue:not only does it suit us but in addition, we have a good time together and fun! Life is sometimes well done...

4/ We clean as we go. Already, so as not to become a goat when you see the mountain of dirty dishes once the culinary battle is over. Then, because we will certainly need these utensils again in the same Cooking session.

5/ We don't have eyes bigger than the clock. In short:if you only have 20 minutes in front of you, no need to start making a cream puff cake with marzipan statuettes and all the tralala. Because otherwise, not only will we eat late but in addition we risk ending up ordering a pizza after having missed everything from getting angry. Supreme lazy tip? We favor recipes that we already know and have already made. Not stupid the beast!

6 / We opt for the mini-bin! Rather than multiplying the back and forth to the trash by surfing (involuntarily) on the wet floor, keep a plastic bag on your work surface to put your waste in. Safer, both for your nerves and for your legs.

7/ We learn to cut vegetables like a chef. And without cutting your fingers. Otherwise, the pre-cut frozen vegetable trick may prove to be the most accommodating (we say that, we say nothing…).

8/ Eat the peel. Once well cleaned or even rubbed with exfoliating gloves, some products (like potatoes!) are delicious with the skin! And in addition, this skin is often full of vitamins! So if it’s PLUS good for your health…