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What Happens To Your Body When You Eat Too Much During Christmas.

What Happens To Your Body When You Eat Too Much During Christmas.

During Christmas you probably have more on your plate than you normally would:three courses or even four. Eating too much can cause various complaints. Here's what can happen to your body if you eat too much.

A bloated belly

If you have a bloated stomach, you may not have chewed your food properly before swallowing. You can prevent this by simply paying close attention to how you chew. Take your time with your food and don't eat it too quickly. Carbonated drinks can also cause a bloated stomach. This causes gas to build up in your stomach. Drink a few sips of water in between.

Read also: "You can do this for a bloated stomach"


Having a bloated stomach can also make you nauseous more quickly. In addition, nausea can indicate a meal that is too fatty. Your body still needs some time before it can digest fat. If you have eaten too much, your body wants to throw it out again. Just like with a bloated stomach, it is important that you do not eat your food too quickly and possibly avoid too many fatty foods.

After dinner dip

After a large meal, your blood sugar level rises. Your body is working hard to digest the food. This allows you to take a break after eating, which is also known as the after dinner dip is mentioned.


If you have consumed too much sugar, you may end up on the toilet with diarrhea after the Christmas meal. Eating too much can cause all the sugars in your stomach to move to your intestines. Because this goes together with a lot of fluid, it can cause diarrhoea.

Can't get to sleep

All those sugars and fats in your body are a big task for your body. When you're in bed, your body is probably processing all those foods and you're having a hard time falling asleep. Therefore, try to stop eating on time. Does this not work? Then stretch out on the couch before going to bed.