Family Best Time >> Food

What does 100 calories of food actually look like?

What does 100 calories of food actually look like?

Whether you eat 100 calories of chocolate or 100 calories of snack tomatoes. There is a very good chance that those amounts differ enormously from each other. How nice (or better:interesting) is it to see exactly what those differences are.

On the Instagram account you can see exactly how many 100 calories of different food products look like. Camella Bot came up with this great idea and shows it through her account Bijt Wijs. We asked her how she came up with this great idea.

Read also: "How many calories do you burn in your sleep?"

Showing what 100 calories look like in a simple way

Camella:“Last year I came home with an anxiety disorder. I couldn't go to work, but I wanted to contribute to increasing knowledge about nutrition. I started the instagram page Bijt Wijs, where I show in a simple way what 100 kcal looks like. At a glance you can see that you can eat a lot of carrots for 100 kcal or that you are already at the 100 kcal tax with 9 M&Ms. I am now doing so well that I have even started my own online company from Bijt Wijs in which I offer personalized nutrition plans.”

This is what 100 kcal looks like