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Christmas recipes:the top 3 original recipes

As a starter, an original Christmas recipe… with chocolate!

Who said chocolate was just for dessert? This little sweetness that everyone loves can also be used at the start of a meal, in original and always delicious Christmas recipes. The chocolate foie gras, for example, is sure to surprise all your guests! Unless you prefer to prepare special winter aperitifs for them, which will warm up the atmosphere. A real treat!

As a dish, an original Christmas recipe from Russia

To change from the traditional Christmas turkey, opt for the salmon koulibiac, an original Christmas recipe of Russian origin. It is a kind of pie or pie made from fresh salmon, eggs, rice and small vegetables (carrots, mushrooms, etc.), all wrapped in puff pastry or brioche. First steam the salmon, then prepare a stuffing with the rice, hard-boiled eggs and vegetables. Season with salt and pepper and add the herbs of your choice. Roll out the dough into a rectangle and arrange the stuffing and the salmon. Close with another rectangle of dough, seal the edges well and brown the surface of the koulibiac with a little egg yolk and bake in the oven for about 40 minutes. Serve hot.

For dessert, original and fruity recipes!

To end your Christmas menu, do you dream of a light and fruity dessert? Leave the traditional yule log in the cupboard and innovate by opting for an original Christmas recipe! Why not treat your guests to a fresh exotic fruit salad with strawberry popcorn or pink meringues? Served with a glass of champagne, this original dessert will be emulated!