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3 original lemonade recipes

In this period of heat wave, what better than a good old lemonade to refresh yourself and to awaken your taste buds with the flavor of citrus fruits. Here are three refreshing and invigorating lemonade recipes. Mint, ginger or cucumber, it will be according to your fantasies.

Mint-cucumber lemonade

Ingredients (1L)

– 3 cups of water (750 ml)

– 1.5 cups of organic cucumber (if not remove the peel)

– Juice of a lime

– Juice of half a lemon

– 10 mint leaves

– 2 teaspoons of agave nectar (or other sweetener)

Just put all the ingredients in the Blender and then pour the mixture through a very fine sieve. You can adjust the amount of lemon and sugar to your liking.

Ginger lemonade

Ingredients (1L)

– 6 large organic lemons

– A large ginger root (preferably organic)

– 3 tablespoons of sugar (or more, of your choice)

Peel and grate the ginger. Pour into the bottom of a carafe. Add lemon juice and sugar. Dilute with water and mix. Leave to macerate for several hours in the refrigerator. All that remains is to strain and the lemonade is ready.

Concentrated lemonade

For some, this is the original lemonade recipe. A little laborious but very practical recipe. The goal is to obtain a lemon concentrate, to be diluted later in the desired amount of water.

Ingredients (1L of concentrate)

– 250 g of juice and pulp of untreated lemons (weigh the juice + pulp)

– 250g caster sugar

– 500 g of very cold mineral water

– 250 g of mineral water at room temperature

– Optional:orange blossom, vanilla or mint

Using a peeler, collect 75g of zest, without the white part of the lemon. It will be necessary to blanch the zest three times to eliminate any trace of bitterness:immerse them in a pan of cold water and bring to the boil, rinse immediately with cold water. Pour 250 g of mineral water and 250 g of caster sugar into a saucepan and let it boil. Let cool. Optionally add a capful of orange blossom or a teaspoon of vanilla extract. With a Blender, mix at maximum speed the zests, the syrup and the 500g of cold water. Let stand overnight (12h). The next day, filter everything with a fine mesh sieve. This concentrate freezes perfectly. If you want more sweetness, opt for liquid cane sugar. You can incorporate a sprig of mint.

Now it's up to you!