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4 tips for making up for a completely missed dish

Too dry. Our poultry (or cutlet) has turned to the sole? Brush it with soft butter, wrap it in cling film and leave to rest for 10 minutes. The butter melts slowly and the meat relaxes. Our salmon is too dry? It is surrounded by thin slices of smoked bacon or zucchini, then rolled up in aluminum foil and presto, in the oven (low thermostat). Our chocolate fondant is wrongly named? We prepare a syrup (1 bowl of sugar, 1 bowl of water, a glass of orange juice and a stick of vanilla, which we mix at room temperature) and soak the cake in it.

Too salty. We add a raw potato, peeled and cut into 4 in the sauce, let it cook for a few minutes and remove it from the dish. For the stew? We add raw garnish (carrots, small onions…):while cooking, it will absorb the salt. A veal sauté or a rabbit stew? It is transformed into a terrine:cold dishes always seem less salty. You can also put a pinch of sugar, which cancels out the salt.

Overcooked. If it's a lamb, we cook it even more! In a casserole (or in the oven, thermostat 170°), and we sprinkle very regularly with olive oil. The goal ? Confit the meat. Steak overcooked? We transform! In moussaka, shepherd's pie... (with celery, waterlogged). Minced, the meat seems more tender.

Too spicy. Our curry sets our mouths on fire? We add coconut milk, almond milk or lime which will soften the sauce. This is not enough ? Continue cooking by adding pineapple or sweet potatoes:neutral, they will soak up the spices and tone them down.

Thanks to Jean-Luc Le François, chef at the " Modern Café " (40, rue Notre-dame-des-Victoires, Paris 2nd).