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5 tips for making the perfect hot chocolate

They're creamy, they're generous, they're tasty:these are hot chocolates, those succulent cocoa drinks that are said to have been created by the Mayans 2000 years ago. We understand why they then became so popular among the Aztecs and then all over the world... So, to pay homage to them and have fun like never before, we're offering them in all their forms this winter! Here are some tips:

1/ It's strong in chocolate. Chocolate powder is convenient, but chocolate bars are much better! With at least 70% cocoa, preferably, and grated or shredded before melting. If we have a little more courage, we even try to use real beans.

2/ For a smooth effect, we make half milk (whole) and half liquid cream (idem). Yum!

3/ Do you want it to foam? Beat your drink with a whisk, rolling the handle between your hands as if you were a prehistoric man who wants to start a fire.

4/ We add a subtle note. By adding a split vanilla pod, a cinnamon stick and a hint of grated nutmeg (for a "party" version), or Nutella/chestnut cream/speculoos and/or whipped cream (for a les grosses gourmandes), rose water, chilli, lime zest or even melted cheese (for fans of unusual sensations)... More recipes to discover

5/ We play it artistic, by daring the "latte art", or the drawing on the cream. Armed with a small stick, milk, mousse, chocolate coulis and/or chocolate powder, draw hearts, faces, dare abstract art, make sculptures of cats or swimmers…. You choose (and taste)! Examples to see here.

Have a good snack!