Family Best Time >> Food

We love the blooming hot chocolate

It's no longer a surprise, food is all the rage on Instagram. Add to that hot chocolate, marshmallows (in the shape of a flower, please!) and a wow effect, and our foodista heart capsizes! This time, it is to the French pastry chef Dominique Ansel that we owe this superb creation, called "Blooming hot chocolate".

Guaranteed wow effect

To have the same thing at home, no need to be a queen of the stove, just place the marshmallow flower on the hot chocolate! And there, tadaaam, this flower that didn't look great blooms before our amazed eyes and releases a small pearl of sugar. Subjugating! The hot chocolate alone was already super instagramable (in the corner of a fireplace, on a pretty wooden table…), but then there, we can hardly do better! Finally, the most difficult thing is to get these little marvels, since they are only available in Dominique Ansel's boutiques, that is to say in New York, Tokyo or London. Bad luck!