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The 5 best nutrition tips for hot days

Want to stay cool even on hot days? Good nutrition plays a central role in this! With these 5 tips you can fully enjoy summer time:

1. Choose light dishes

On hot days, the heat builds up in the body and puts a strain on the blood circulation. Then choose especially light dishes, because the digestion of fatty, heavy food is an extra challenge for the body.

2. Drink lukewarm

Ice cold drinks are refreshing at first, but to keep the body temperature stable, the body needs to warm them up. This in turn consumes energy and limits performance.

3. Plan early

In many company canteens, fatty dishes are on the menu even in summer. By preparing a light snack or salad instead, you can get through the workday more concentrated without a lunch break.

4. Drink enough

The rule of thumb is:you should take 30 ml of liquid per kg of body weight. With a weight of 80 kg, this corresponds to 2.4 l – when it is warm, the demand is even higher! If pure water is too boring for you in the long run, you can flavor it with fruit pieces such as kiwi slices.

5. Eat water-rich fruits and vegetables

Water- and fruit-rich vegetables are easily digestible and provide the body with extra moisture. Think cucumber, watermelon and strawberries. Kiwis   also contain many nutrients such as vitamin C:consumed regularly, they help the body absorb the amount of nutrients it needs on a daily basis.