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Dutch culinary specialties

Savory cuisine:the essential recipes in the Netherlands

Dutch specialties are numerous and above all very varied:in general, in the Netherlands, we eat healthy and fresh. For example, start your meal with erwentsoep, a very thick split pea soup. You can then continue with all kinds of seafood products, very popular with the Dutch. Salted herring, in particular, is a must-try, but you can also indulge yourself with plaice, sole, crab or salmon. If you like hearty dishes, it is impossible to ignore the stamppot, a dish made up of potatoes, meat cooked in broth and vegetables. Different variants exist:have fun! And, of course, at the end of the meal, don't miss the gouda and the maasdam, two typical Dutch cheeses.

Sweet specialties

Again, the Netherlands offers a wide variety of sweet dishes. The famous pannekoek, for example, is a large pancake that is enjoyed drizzled with beetroot syrup. Poffertjes are lightly puffed mini pancakes covered in butter and icing sugar:delicious! The Netherlands also offers a wide range of gingerbread, including the famous speculoos. Of course, during a stay in Holland, you will not escape chocolate sweets of all kinds:do not forget that Amsterdam is the largest cocoa warehouse in the world!

What to drink in the Netherlands?

The must drink in the Netherlands is beer! Blonde, seasonal, handcrafted... beer comes in countless variations. If you like strong alcohol, try juniper eau-de-vie, the real Dutch national drink.