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5 proofs that sleep affects the way we eat # Special sleep

Once a healthy sleep pattern falls apart, the rest of the body seems to follow suit. Several studies have shown that too little sleep causes a decrease in productivity and a weakened immune system. Lack of sleep even affects the way we eat.

We eat more than a normal person

A person with a sleep count eats about 550 calories less than a sleep deprived person. Several studies have shown that a person who lacks sleep will be subject to a weight gain of 500 g per week. According to researchers Jean-Philippe Chaput and Angelo Tremblay, this is explained by the fact that too little sleep leads to an overproduction of ghrelin, the hormone that stimulates appetite.

We snack more often

When the body is deprived of its energy (sleep) it is weakened and therefore physical activity is rare. We've been told a hundred times "we shouldn't eat outside meals". But to boost our HS body, we give in to nibbling thinking we'll find a little fuel. Result:we eat junk but we do not eliminate anything because we are too tired to play sports, so we gain weight!

Our body is hungry for carbohydrates and fats.

When we are tired we turn to snacks rich in bad fats or carbohydrates. Our choice is rarely an apple or carrot sticks! In 2013, a study by the University of California on a sample of 23 people showed that when you lack sleep you are attracted to fatty foods. Of these 23 individuals, some have had their sleep count and others have not. After an MRI on each of the subjects, the researchers observed disturbances in the regions of the brain, which receive signals related to taste and smell. Indeed, the sleep-deprived individual was further stimulated by cravings for "bad" fats.

Essential nutrients are allowed to pass.

We may eat in large quantities when our body is deprived of its quota of sleep, the body does not benefit from the nutrients it needs. When an individual is sleep deprived, he consumes half as many fruits and vegetables in favor of products richer in fat. These foods do not contain any of the essential nutrients the body needs. Consequence:there is a lack of vitamins and minerals, which causes skin rashes or even cramps.

Our eating habits are changing

Our internal clock is at the origin of the planning of our organism. It determines our sleep cycle (the time when we fall asleep quickly and the time when we wake up easily) but it also determines the hours when we are hungry. According to INSERM (National Institute of Health and Medical Research), lack of sleep disrupts our internal clock. When we are tired, stress invades us more quickly and gives way to a feeling of unease. To achieve a feeling of well-being, we eat anything and at any time. We skip breakfast to grab a few minutes of sleep, so we snack all morning. We skip lunch or have lunch at 3 p.m. We have a snack at 6 p.m. and dinner after 8 p.m., then nibble before sleeping! And the later we eat, the less sleep we get. And there, our whole cycle is turned upside down!

For a healthy and healthy body, sleep! Just one night without our sleep count can affect our food cravings the next day.

Morgane Longuepee