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How do you get rid of the garlic or onion smell?

Garlic and onions add flavor to meals and may provide health benefits. Unfortunately, both can also cause bad breath, especially when eaten raw. The distinctive odor is caused by sulfur-containing chemicals in garlic and onion. The smell can linger in one's breath for hours and even overnight, discouraging some people from eating these vegetables. Fortunately, many home remedies can prevent or eliminate bad breath. Below are some simple methods.

1. Drink water Drinking water after meals can wash garlic or onion residue off the tongue or between the teeth. It also stimulates the production of saliva, which helps to remove some of the odor-producing bacteria from the mouth.

2. Brush and floss The bacteria that contribute to bad breath are usually found in dental plaque and under the gumline. Brushing the teeth and flossing after meals can significantly reduce the number of bacteria in the mouth and remove other causes of bad breath, including plaque and food particles.

3. Use a tongue scraper
People will often neglect to brush the tongue and roof of the mouth, and the back of the tongue is an ideal place for bacteria to collect. Using a tongue scraper or brush every day can remove dead skin cells, microbes and small particles of food. Continue scraping until no residue is left on the scraper.

4. Rinse with mouthwash
A strong-smelling mouthwash, such as one that contains peppermint, can cover up the smell of garlic or onions on the breath. Some research suggests that using a mouthwash containing chlorine dioxide is especially effective at removing plaque, bacteria and small food particles.

5. Eat fresh fruits and vegetables
Eating fresh produce with or after meals can cover up the smells of garlic and onion. In one study, researchers reported that eating raw apple or raw lettuce significantly reduced the smell of garlic on the breath.

6. Eat herb leaves Chewing parsley after eating is an age-old remedy for garlic or onion breath. This herb cleanses the palate and masks unpleasant odors. Mint leaves have also been shown to significantly reduce garlic breath.

7. Try apple cider vinegar
Some people report that drinking a tablespoon of apple cider vinegar in water before or after a meal makes the garlic or onion breath disappear. However, this is not a medically approved method.

8. Have a cup of green tea Sipping green tea after eating can help cover up strong odors. One study suggested that green tea was more effective at eliminating bad breath than mints, chewing gum, or any product containing parsley oil.

9. Chewing gum
Chewing gum with a minty taste can mask unpleasant odors while traveling. It also stimulates saliva production, which can help flush out bacteria and food particles.

10. Drink milk Drinking a glass of milk with or after a garlic-heavy meal can reduce the concentration of compounds in the mouth that contain sulfur and cause bad odor. Research has shown that full-fat milk is better at reducing odor than fat-free milk.

11. Drink lemon water Lemon juice can neutralize the smell of onions or garlic on the breath. Add a little fresh lemon juice (about 1 tablespoon) to a glass of water and drink it after an onion or garlic rich meal.

12. Remove the garlic core
When preparing a meal, it is possible to reduce the risk of developing garlic breath. Cut each garlic clove in half and remove the stem from the center of the bulb before adding the bulb to the food.