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It's the time to eat asparagus

It's time to eat asparagus again! White gold is widely available everywhere. But be quick, because the asparagus season will soon be over. Traditionally, the last asparagus are picked on 24 June, the day of Saint John. Dutch asparagus is only available during the asparagus season, from early April to 24 June. It is possible that asparagus will also be available in mid-March and early July, but pay close attention to the origin, because more foreign product is then also offered. Use the remaining time well and enjoy the queen of vegetables to the fullest.

Types of asparagus
There are 3 types of asparagus; white, green and purple. In the Netherlands, mainly white asparagus is sold (and grown). Only 3% of asparagus cultivation in the Netherlands consists of green asparagus. Purple asparagus is grown and sold on a very small scale. The purple asparagus is fine to eat raw! The high sugar content makes this asparagus very suitable to eat in a fresh salad. White asparagus grow in the ground, in an asparagus bed, so that they do not come into contact with sunlight. The green and purple asparagus grow above the ground.

How do you know if the asparagus is fresh?
> fresh asparagus have shiny stems
> when the stems (gently) rub against each other, you hear a squeaking sound
> the cut surface on the underside of the stem must not be dried up

How do you store asparagus? You can keep asparagus in the fridge for 2 to 3 days. Immediately after returning home, wrap white asparagus in a damp tea towel and place in the refrigerator. Green and purple asparagus are best stored in an open plastic bag in the refrigerator. Do you want to keep the asparagus longer? Then freeze them! Peel the asparagus carefully, pack in a plastic freezer bag and place in the freezer. This way you can keep them for 4 to 6 months. You don't have to thaw them when preparing, put them directly in a pan with plenty of boiling water. This way you can still enjoy a delicious asparagus dish with Dutch asparagus after the season.

Asparagus are healthy
Asparagus is an easy, healthy and above all tasty vegetable that you can use in all directions. The stems contain many vitamins, such as vitamin K, vitamin C, vitamin B1, B2, vitamin E and folic acid. They are said to have beneficial effects on blood pressure, heart, and kidney and liver function. Thanks to these qualities, you could easily place them in the list of superfoods. In addition to the well-known and delicious traditional asparagus dish, there are many preparation methods. How about a fresh asparagus salad, asparagus from the oven or asparagus on the barbecue?

Do you watch your weight? Then eat a lot of asparagus! Hardly any other food is known that contains so few calories and at the same time so many important vitamins and other nutrients.