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The best asparagus facts

The national asparagus season was officially opened yesterday, and there is a lot of information about this special vegetable that is also super tasty! We list a few of them:

* Asparagus is healthy
* There are 3 types of asparagus; white, green and purple
* More than 40% of Dutch asparagus lovers eat asparagus 10 times in the season
* Only 21% of all Dutch people buy asparagus at least once a year
* More than two-thirds of all asparagus purchases take place in the supermarket
* Singles and families with young children buy less asparagus than other households
* White asparagus grow in so-called asparagus beds
* White and black foil on asparagus beds influences the growth of asparagus and prevents the white stems from discolouring by the sun
* Asparagus starts to grow at a (soil) temperature of 12 degrees
* Green and purple asparagus grow above the ground
* White asparagus must Always peeled well before you can eat them, but are also available peeled. Nice and easy!
* The top 3 favorite asparagus dishes are 1. classic (with potatoes and ham) 2. soup 3. asparagus with fish
* If you peel asparagus and then freeze it, you can use it for up to 6 months enjoy it again later
* The white stems of asparagus plants grow underground, which look like tangled, thin roots
* After the season, growers let the asparagus grow into a beautiful green crop (foliage) that can grow up to 2 meters high!
* Asparagus is best fresh every day
* Asparagus is harvested when they are 22 cm long, this length also determines the height of the asparagus beds
* The asparagus season lasts from April to June 24, Sint Jan
* Store white asparagus in a damp cloth in the refrigerator
* Besides cooking, you can also stir-fry, steam or grill asparagus
* Asparagus appears to have a beneficial effect weight, blood pressure, kidneys, heart and liver
* Asparagus was seen in ancient times as an aphrodisiac, or aphrodisiac d medium
* The longest asparagus ever cut is 3.11 meters long