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Which beers are popular?

The Dutch beer drinker is open to the growing number of new beer types that are available. But if one then chooses, a well-known taste and a brand that has been drunk before are decisive. This and more is apparent from the National Beer Survey of the Dutch Brewers, which was conducted among 1,059 beer-drinking Dutch people.

When choosing a beer, 7 out of 10 beer consumers consider taste the most important. Followed by a beer that is known (40%), the type of beer (37%), the price (35%) and the brand (33%). The fact that the range of beer continues to increase does not deter the beer drinker. There is, however, a clear difference between the different target groups. The beer drinker between 18-49 years of age enjoys experimenting more than the older person from 65 years of age.

Grab a beer remains a favorite. Especially during a party with family (62%), a party at home (59%) or drinks with friends (55%). Of the beer drinkers who sometimes drink alcohol-free, low-alcohol or low-alcohol beer, the majority say they do so more often than two years ago. Beer drinkers between the ages of 18 and 29 in particular often opt for low-alcohol beers (57%).

The taste preference for a glass of beer differs per sex. They agree about fresh &fruity. Of the six taste categories, the beer drinker gives this the most preference (41%). While the men prefer to drink a spicy (23%) and bitter (20%) beer, the women prefer sweet (24%) and caramel (18%). According to the respondents, the ideal beer contains 4.9% alcohol.

A majority (55%) of the Dutch beer drinker thinks that beer can be combined with food. In 2019, one in three beer drinkers will choose a suitable beer with a dish.

Other beer facts 2019:

-Two out of three beer drinkers like to see an ever-increasing beer selection and also to try an unknown beer. Older beer drinkers are less likely to try a beer they have never drunk (50%).

-The majority usually drinks the same type of beer (61%) and beer of the same brand (53%).

-Men find the brand (35%), an unknown beer (18%) and the origin of the brewer (13%) relatively important.

-Half of the beer drinkers mistakenly believe that two brown cheese sandwiches have as many calories as a glass of lager, while two brown cheese sandwiches have 320 calories and a glass of lager 115 calories. One in five beer drinkers (21%) even thinks that there are more calories in a glass (250 ml) of non-alcoholic beer (58 kcal) than in a glass of lager (115 kcal).

-Beer drinkers are quite familiar with the ingredients of beer (42% know what beer is made of).