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Everything you need to know if you want to become a flexitarian

Have you ever thought about becoming a vegetarian? There is no doubt that climate change, global warming and a shortage of natural resources are overwhelming issues that make us think about whether we should reduce our consumption of meat and animal products, you may have already thought of stopping them for good. , although it could be extremely complicated.

If you identify with this situation, you might consider a flexitarian diet as your new dietary regime, whether you adopt it as a transition phase to vegetarianism or as an alternative to eating less meat.

What is a flexitarian diet?

A flexitarian diet is usually based on fruits and vegetables, which allows the occasional eating of animal products and meat in small quantities. Due to the few dietary restrictions, some specialists have categorized this type of diet as “healthy omnivorous food”, which includes traditional diets that we have been using in our daily routine for a long time.

However, the main goal of a flexitarian diet is to gradually reduce the consumption of animal products to increase the portions of vegetables, fruits and grains, rather than establishing strict nutritional parameters.

While flexitarians don't set frequency or allowable amounts, they do recommend cutting pork consumption by 88%, beef by 73%, rice by 49%, and increasing seeds and nuts by 282%, legumes by 209% and vegetables by 77%. Another suggestion regarding eating meat is that your intake per week should not exceed two servings of 127 grams.


Flexible eating patterns offer a variety of benefits, from healthier eating habits to a significant reduction in your weekly food expenditure, with several specialists pointing out that a massive implementation of this type of diet would have a positive impact on the environment. Other important advantages are:

  • Reducing red meat in your diet reduces the risk of cancer, heart attacks and other cardiovascular diseases.
  • Plant-based diets promote weight loss and a lower body mass index.
  • Provides sufficient fiber and reduces saturated fat, improving cholesterol and triglyceride levels
  • Reduces the production of meat and animal products, thereby reducing greenhouse gas emissions.
  • Compared to a vegetarian diet, it allows more flexible feeding schedules.
  • Both children and adults can follow this type of diet.

Now that you know more about the flexitarian diet, you may realize that you have been eating this way for a long time or you may be considering adopting this type of diet to improve your dietary habits; Anyway, we strongly recommend that you consult a specialist to discover the best alternatives to take care of your health.