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The superfood guarana – a real boost!

Ever heard of guarana? Guarana is now one of the superfoods of choice and should be the absolute booster and helper for everyone. The Indians swear by it and many nutritionists consider it a must - in this article we show you when and why you should definitely include guarana in your pantry!

Where does guarana come from?

The guarana plant itself comes from the areas around the Amazon. In this region, the climbing plant can develop wonderfully not only because of its many growth properties, but especially because of the pleasantly warm climate. The Amazon offers a wonderful amount of space for the creeper to spread out, providing an ideal base for constant growth.

Not only is the EU importing more and more guarana from South American countries such as Brazil, but also from around the world. The guarana plant is said to have a stimulating and healing effect. Today's scientists have been able to prove what the people of South America once speculated about. Because guarana actually has a positive effect on our body.

Guarana is a great substitute, especially for people who have problems with coffee. Because the coffee is often quite strong on the stomach. The guarana extract is the perfect remedy. Guarana is also found in cosmetic items and is now very commonly found in beauty products.

Guarana – what is it anyway?

Guarana sounds quite exotic at first glance – and it is. Because the guarana plant has its home in the rainforests of South America and is therefore a tropical plant and of course an export product. The so-called botanical name is Paullinia cupana. The tropical creeper with the valuable seeds was discovered at that time by local Indians. The so-called Quaramis, as the locals were called, soon discovered that there was much more to this plant. To this day, miners in Brazil use the guarana extract for delicious drinks with a certain kick.

The fruits of the guarana plant look almost like eyes, the seeds look more like a pear, but contain fruit capsules. This is what the full power of the fruit is behind.

What is the effect of guarana?

Guarana has a very primary effect:it reduces fatigue and provides more concentration and a boost in performance. Due to its natural and high caffeine content, Guarana helps significantly against fatigue, sluggishness and laziness. Especially due to the high fiber content, this superfood has a very long-lasting effect compared to ordinary helpers such as coffee or energy drinks.

Can you use guarana as a remedy for discomfort?

One of the benefits of guarana is its natural origin. People who have problems with coffee or tea, because excessive consumption of it really hurts the stomach, can use guarana as a great substitute without worrying about stomach pain or similar problems.

How can you dose guarana?

Due to the high amount of caffeine, guarana should be consumed quite sparingly and under no circumstances should it be used for everyday use. Consuming consistently and regularly can negatively impact your well-being. The consequences are, for example, psychological dependence, nervousness, headaches and insomnia.

Guarana capsules or guarana extract – what's the difference?

Guarana capsules and guarana extract have a very interesting difference. The guarana extract is sold as a high-dose “connoisseur” solution and can have very dominant effects on your well-being, even with small differences in quantity.

The guarana capsules, on the other hand, are great for beginners and very suitable for everyday use. They are perfectly dosed and can be taken without hesitation and some contain other natural ingredients.

What side effects can I get from taking guarana?

The intake of guarana is in principle completely safe and is a naturally occurring raw material. However, excessive consumption of guarana can have a negative effect on your well-being and health. But we are talking about very high and unusual amounts that you would have to take to reach this problematic area. Side effects of overuse may include poor concentration, nervousness, insomnia or psychological dependence.

5 facts why you should include guarana in your eating plan!

1. Guarana is a great substitute for coffee. By switching from coffee to guarana, you not only save your own money, but you also indirectly do something for the environment. Because growing and transporting coffee is much more complex and labour-intensive than that of guarana.

2. Guarana is the perfect long-lasting mind kick to start with. The high caffeine content really gets you going in the morning and keeps you awake all morning.

3. With Guarana you not only have a natural stimulant, but also a small aid that can increase your concentration and performance.

4. The caffeine content in particular stimulates the metabolism, for which your body will certainly thank you.

5. Guarana is a great superfood, but still relatively cheap. One capsule per day is enough to cover your normal coffee consumption.