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What are the advantages of using a juice extractor in the kitchen?

It is true that fruit and vegetable juices ready to be consumed in packs or bottles sold in supermarkets make our lives easier. But we must still recognize that nothing beats fresh food. Hence the usefulness of a juice extractor.

What are the advantages of using a juice extractor in the kitchen?

Why invest in a juice extractor?

With the very wide range of small household appliances available to you today to prepare your own vegetable and fruit juices, the purchase of this equipment can sometimes turn into a real headache. Yet you know full well that for your health and that of your children, nothing beats fresh homemade juice . If you decide to invest in a device intended for this purpose, and you are still hesitating between a juicer, a blender and a juice extractor, know that these three pieces of equipment each have their advantages and disadvantages.

However, insofar as the blender and the centrifuge have a very high speed of rotation which is around fifteen thousand revolutions per minute on average, the use of an extractor is strongly recommended, especially if you want to fill up with vitamins. E and mineral salt. Indeed, reproducing the process of human chewing, this device is content to extract the juices without crushing the food. This is not the case with blenders and centrifuges which turn them into mush.

On the other hand, exploiting the principle of cold extraction, the juice extractor preserves all the nutritional contributions of the juice. The drinks obtained are thus of better quality. In addition, with its fifty revolutions per minute, its gentle but above all slow rotation, this device does not cause any heat to be released which, in addition to eliminating all the nutrients present in fruits and vegetables, also distorts their taste. .

Moreover, not undergoing the "flash pasteurized" process, commonly used for juices sold commercially, homemade juices are more digestible for the stomach and thus ensure better intestinal transit. As a result, the nutrients that these drinks provide are immediately absorbed by the body. In addition, since no preservatives or flavor enhancers have been added, they are much healthier. In short, you will only have benefits for your health.

The different types of juice extractors

It is also important to point out that drinks from juice extractors keep well, but above all for a long time. This is thanks to the absence of oxidation. When they are pressed, the food does not come into contact with the air. Moreover, the use of these small household appliances is not limited to juicing. Multifunctional, this equipment is also used to make soups, compotes, sorbets... But which model are you going to turn to?

Today, you will have the choice between two large families of extractors:

Manual models

The manual models which are the cheapest on the market. As their name suggests, the pressing will only be done manually by the strength of your arms and a little elbow grease. This is why, with an even slower rotation, the juice will be of higher quality. Otherwise, with easy washing and cleaning, these devices also have the advantage of being mobile and portable. The only downside is that the performance of manual extractors is low. They are therefore not recommended for large families and intensive use.

Electric models

Electric models are preferred if you want a larger amount of juice. Whether your preference is for a vertical or horizontal model, a motor will indeed do the work for you. Be careful though, having a motorized extractor does not exempt you from the cutting stage of your fruits and vegetables.