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The cuisine of the Republic:Cook with your deputies! by Francoise Branget

This book brings together 170 recipes from the French terroir? starters, dishes, desserts? that the deputies of all the French departments, Dom-Tom included, were kind enough to entrust to us.

The diversity and originality of these recipes are representative of the richness of our culinary heritage. Some are passed down in the families of Members from generation to generation, others have been revisited by our elected representatives with their families and loved ones, or even by their wives, on the occasion of the book, or others have been delivered by gastronomy professionals in their department (butchers, restaurateurs, etc.).

Between the collection and the encyclopedia, this cookbook makes reference both with the essential recipes of our regions (bouillabaisse, sauerkraut, Bourbonnais pâté, maroilles tart, etc.), but also provokes surprise when , for example, one finds by leafing through the recipes for "Cacasse à Cul-Nu", storzapreti, farcidure, pochouse or even Cretan unwrapped...

(Editions Le Cherche Midi - April 2011)

Francoise Branget is a French politician, deputy for Doubs.

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