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Breakfast:the meal not to be missed

"Never miss breakfast" , here is seen and seen again. And yet, the message does not seem to have reached everyone's ears since one in five French people today do not eat breakfast... from the overly stressed manager to the student who prefers to grab a few minutes sleep, to those who just don't have an appetite in the morning. However, a good breakfast can be a great help to be in better shape and have a better, less stressful day. Of course, it's not a breakfast that will prevent your boss from asking you to return a file for the day before, or that will make you catch up on an all-nighter. Nevertheless, it allows you to start the day on the right foot by providing the body with the necessary fuel.

Breakfast:the meal not to be missed

Why is it so important?

You are plunged into a deep sleep, peacefully sipping a cocktail under the coconut trees, when suddenly the sound of the waves turns into a violent, wild and aggressive "BIP BIP BIIIIIP". If waking up is a difficult time for you, tell yourself that the same is true for your body, which, deprived of food for many hours, is now crying out for hunger.

Even if you don't feel hungry, your body only dreams of a good breakfast to get back on the road. If you deprive it of this pleasure, the body will know how to give you back your coin.

Indeed, studies have shown that skipping breakfast (or skipping any meal) helps increase the risk of being overweight . First, people who skip breakfast tend to feel hungry much earlier in the morning. And with an empty stomach, your stomach screaming with all its might, it is much more difficult to fight against the call of the distributor of chocolate bars, which suddenly seems to surround itself with an aura drawing you inexorably towards it.

Some manage to resist it all the same, but the hunger being always there, they will tend to eat much more (and much more fat) during lunch. However, the body prefers regular intake to long periods of fasting followed by a hearty meal. Indeed, when the body is deprived of food for too long, it will tend to increase fat storage at the next meal, leading to weight gain.

In addition, breakfast is essential for a good nutritional balance, it is supposed to provide the body with 25% of its daily energy ! The morning equation should consist of fibre, calcium, iron, vitamins and a little fat. If this contribution is not provided at breakfast, the other meals will not be able to compensate for it, which is why the fact of not having breakfast very often leads to strokes throughout the day, even even discomfort. On the other hand, when the body gets the necessary nutrients in the morning, the brain is then stimulated, invigorated, and more energetic, you memorize and you concentrate more easily.

The ideal breakfast consists of:

  • a drink to rehydrate the body such as coffee, tea or fruit juice.
  • Fruit for vitamins. We usually think of orange but when it's the season, strawberries (very rich in vitamin C) will bring you many benefits and will boost you for the day.
  • a dairy product for calcium and protein with a glass of milk, yogurt or cheese if you feel like it.
  • wholemeal bread.
  • a slight addition of fat with butter (but avoid margarine).

What if I can't have breakfast?

It's not uncommon to hear some people mention feeling nauseous all morning if they've had the misfortune to swallow something when they wake up. It's all a matter of habit, you have to slowly relearn your body to accept this new meal . Start slowly, by first adding a simple glass of fruit juice to your coffee, then gradually add a whole fruit, then a yoghurt, then a piece of bread…You will see that the moment of breakfast will quickly become essential to you.

"I don't have time!" :argument that also comes up frequently. Well I see myself having to tell you "take it!" . Even if you only sit down for 5 minutes in your minister's schedule to swallow a glass of orange juice and a slice of buttered bread, that's already it. You will certainly quickly realize that this little moment of break in the middle of the mad rush of the morning allows you to put things back on track and leave more serene to face the day.