Family Best Time >> Food

Nougat of duck legs with foie gras, candied tomatoes and Indian curry cream, Sichuan pepper

Ingredients:10 pieces
  • Duck leg sous/vide
    1 kg
  • aromatic garnish
  • Indian curry
    5 g
  • flaked white almonds
    15 g
  • chives
    1/4 bunch
  • chervil
  • acacia honey
    80 g
  • whipping cream
    170 g
  • salt, ground pepper
  • candied tomatoes
  • tomato coulis
  • terrine of duck foie gras
    300 g
  • Sichuan pepper
  • diced tomato
  • flat parsley
  • gelatin sheets
    7 (7 g)

  • Preparation time:40 minutes

Difficulty:[usr 4]

Marinate the defatted duck legs with pepper, thyme and bay leaf, put in a roundel with the aromatic garnish, leave to simmer, decant, degrease the broth and reduce by 3/4, pass through a sieve strainer. Set aside, prepare the tomato confit*,
Stringle the duck meat, add the gelatin soaked and pressed into the duck juice, mix half of this jelly with the shredded duck, adding chopped chervil and chives, heat everything together and add the honey, salt and pepper.
Mix the remaining jelly with half the whipped cream, salt and pepper,
Brown the slivered almonds.
Place the circles "stirrup" on a sheet of parchment paper greased with duck fat, place a sundried tomato at the bottom, then duck meat, a layer of duck jelly with whipped cream, let cool, place a piece of foie gras (30 g), then a layer of honey jelly, sprinkle with toasted almonds (golden).

Put back in the refrigerator for at least 2 hours.
Curi sauce:reduce the remaining duck jus with the remaining cream, salt and pepper, flavor with curry,
Dressage:uncircle a nougat, place in the center of the plate, circle with curry cream marbled with tomato coulis, surround with crushed Sichuan pepper and garnish with diced tomatoes and flat-leaf parsley leaves.

Nougat of duck legs with foie gras, candied tomatoes and Indian curry cream, Sichuan pepper

Candied tomatoes: Olive oil 20 cl, ground pepper, Guérande salt.

First process:
Wash and cut the tomatoes sideways, deseed,
place on a baking sheet, dome top,
season with pepper, salt with Guérande salt,
cook in the oven at 150° for two hours,
remove the skins,
drizzle with olive oil.
Second method:
Peel the tomatoes,
cut them in four,
carefully remove the core and seeds,
place the tomato quarters on baking paper,
salt and pepper ,
sprinkle with a drizzle of olive oil,
bake at 50°C for about 2 hours, or more
Leave to cool, pat dry if too greasy.

Nougat of duck legs with foie gras, candied tomatoes and Indian curry cream, Sichuan pepper Tomato coulis:

Tomatoes 250 g, 50 g onion, olive oil 15 cl, thyme, salt, pepper
Wash the tomatoes and boil them, remove the skin and cut into pieces.
Chop the onions, cook brown in olive oil then stir in the tomatoes
as well as the thyme, salt and pepper, cook for 20 minutes.
Pass the sauce through a sieve, pressing well, cook again over low heat for 5 mins ,
Adjust the seasoning.

A creation of chef Hubert